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bitterne again

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About bitterne again

  • Birthday 15/10/1971

bitterne again's Achievements

  1. Great result and sounded very vocal,was trying to work out if there was a new song being sung by the Saints fans??????
  2. I'm shocked by the completely amateur and irresponsible level of journalism shown by NM,and also by an editor who would have approved it?.........Should there be any trouble, and I hope not, then I hope his piece of gutter inflammatory trash is shown to a media ombudsman. Rant over come on you Saints!!!!
  3. Well said, thankfully this club has moved into a new era, and there is no room for self opinionated dinosaurs like Mr Illingsworth anymore, its time he realised he never has been the "fans voice" for god's sake just support the club like everyone else.
  4. Does anyone know if "KeySports, Sports Managment" (football agents), are involved in this would be deal??,as they were the main "distractors" involved in convincing a certain Mr Walcott that his son's future was better served away from St Marys, while collecting a big pay day themselves!??.If they are then we will have funded them handsomely for a second time,at the cost of our playing squad once again...... Dont you just love football agents!!!
  5. Thankyou Markus a true saint and saviour. RIP
  6. Shame on you Mr Murray, pity none of your staff have the ba**s to point out what your doing too? So as far as the echo is concerned...I'M OUT.
  7. I would like to vote this as best post this morning....lol...spot on!!!!
  8. Joined the Trust when it first started.....but not interested while Mr Ills is involved, this is the man who is more interested in getting his "book" out before Christmas to make more money than waiting to actually chronicle "the most" historic times in our once great club!!!, and while we are on the subject does anyone else remember "Nick the voice of the fan" outside St Marys being asked about Hoddle coming back by SkySports and answering "NO" on behalf of us all few years back??? I will follow a true fan whose passion is this club...NOT someone who uses the club to line his pockets like "the board" we are trying to get rid of.
  9. Good Luck Eddie, just a word of warning takeover rumour threads aren't as popular as they used to be on here!!!!!!!lol
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