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under the west stand

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Everything posted by under the west stand

  1. It’s not on anything - not even the Saints website, due to EFL regulations! 🤔
  2. He was later diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
  3. He’d be a good call. Wasn’t he on a ‘list’ before he went to Forest?
  4. Thanks for that. As I thought. Cheers
  5. Does anyone know whether away fans are going to seated in a particular block?
  6. What I meant was the SFC Matchday Live - sorry. Justbgetting "Sorry. Something has gone wrong!"
  7. Anyone else having problems with Saints Player?
  8. anyone else still waiting for the Saints website commentary to begin
  9. Adnams Broadside for me. Worked for our 2 previous wins
  10. thanks - you're a lifesaver!
  11. I was going to send you one using Private Message, but you are not able to receive them
  12. Try this: http://www.myfeed4u.net/watch/2926540/2/Burnley-vs-Southampton.html
  13. This usually works well for me: http://www.myfeed4u.net/watch/2926540/2/Burnley-vs-Southampton.html
  14. OK - let's spell it right; Hasenhüttl
  15. Derby County?
  16. it's come on now; standby if I can't get a good video feed
  17. Will there be a Matchday Live commentary today?
  18. What about Exeter to Westbury, change, then to So'ton?
  19. This one working for me http://www.myfeed4u.net/watch/2410351/2/West-Bromwich-Albion-vs-Southampton.html
  20. It was off earlier on, but seems OK now
  21. This is the most level headed analysis of our current situation that I have seen. A lot of media analysis concurs. The squad is the problem - what or who is the root cause of this?
  22. Saints player finally on
  23. Trouble is can't receive terrestrial Radio Solent in the wilds of Devon. No mobile signal either to send off irate tweets or whatever
  24. Yup - it's gone. Hopefully Saints will put the feed up when someone wakes up
  25. Is League Cup different to the Premier League?
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