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Everything posted by Mark

  1. I hope they suffer a slow and painful death.
  2. I got mine from ASDA in town. Just played the first 2 missions on veteran and found it a bit easy. :-/
  3. I've done 78 grounds with Saints… 57 league grounds 3 conference grounds 13 old grounds 2 Scottish grounds (pre-season friendlies) 1 european ground 2 national stadiums (Wembley and Millennium Stadium)
  4. At 1.45pm we'd sold 24k
  5. This is spot one....not sure about the rest.
  6. Lowe's resigned as the PLC chairman. :-)
  7. I would say Coxford, Shirley Warren, Weston and Northam. Thornhill isn't too bad, it's no worse than Millbrook or Lordshill.
  8. Mark


    It's cheaper and quicker going via Euston. A groupsave is £18.50 return.
  9. Mark

    We will stay up

    We'll survive if we play 2 up front at home.
  10. Veteran isn't too bad apart from Heart of the Reich (2nd to last mission).
  11. That's b*llocks. At least they turn up and support the team...unlike the missing 10-15,000.
  12. Geometry Wars 2 (8.5/10) super addictive gamplay. The best £4 I've spent on xbox live arcade. Quantum of Solace (7/10) Good solid shooter. A cross between COD4 and R6V. Best played on 007 difficulty. COD4: world at war (8/10) good fun. IMO, its more challenging than COD4. Far Cry 2 (2/10) utter sh*te. I've also brought GOW2 but haven't played it yet.
  13. Mark

    Gears of War 2

  14. Mark

    Gears of War 2

    I would defo try sainsburys, tesco or asda. I'm not buying games online anymore. I pre-ordered 2 copies of COD5 from play.com for £39.99 each only to find that asda were selling the game for £27. :-(
  15. Can't believe some of you have finished the game already! It took me nearly 5 hours yesterday to beat the mission 'burn 'em out'.
  16. That's spot on mate. I reckon its more challenging than COD4.
  17. Just finished the first mission on veteran. Great fun!!!
  18. I received my copy yesterday from play.com :-) I'm gonna finish the Bond game tonight then batter COD on veteran.
  19. Mark


    I'm up for a game of MarioKart. My code is: 4081-8068-9909
  20. Mark

    Gears of War 2

    just brought GOW2 from Sainsburys for £29.99 :-)
  21. I brought Quantum of Solace for the 360 today. Have to say first impressions are very very good.
  22. Mark

    Gears of War 2

    ok, cheers.
  23. Mark

    Gears of War 2

    Baj, are the battles bigger and more intense that GOW1? I enjoyed the first game but thought it was bit easy. Cheers.
  24. I fear you are right. Any protest or boycott has come 12 months too late IMO.
  25. Mine is 4081-8068-9909
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