Looks to me that SR is all talk but no action regarding VA FC .How can you put trust in SR when their actions (keeping Chorley/Kantari for more than a year for example) clearly shows poor judgement. How does Chorley fare better than the previous owner ? We only have 4 mediocre "has been" recruits on free transfer, and now, they are talking about Free loan from LOSC and othe French teams. This is exactly Eddy Zdziech (previous owner)'s way of doing business in the last few years..
3 teams and 3 relegations does raise legitimate concerns. Makes me wonder if the two promotions this year were more a strike of luck than anything else.
Make me think that SR's strategy towards VA FC might be on purpose after all; They bought a good farm team training ground on the cheap, this is one way to toughen up young players in a good lower league to later send them out to flagship team (Southampton FC) if they do show some potential or dismiss them if they do not. France has a reputation of producing good players; Top teams in Spain, Italy and Belgium to name a few, regularly buy promising players from France's 2nd/3rd league.
Oh well, I have been supporting VA for 40 years and will do until my last breath, I just can't wait for SR to get the hell out. I miss the 70s/80s, and more generally the pre Bosman regulation era, where everything was more simple w/o multi properties business model.