As others have said, one of the best days I have ever had following the Saints.
My first game was 1970. And , given that supporting my home town club was the only choice, I have been really lucky with long stretches in the top flight, some wonderful teams and incredible players. And plenty of success along the way.
But I couldn’t be at the final in ‘76, although I was at the semi final, and since then every big Wembley ( or Cardiff ) occasion has ended in more or less glorious defeat (the JPT aside, which was lovely, but doesn’t really count as major success.)
And often I have thought that maybe it just wouldn’t ever be. So it goes. And then suddenly, this team made it happen. A huge win, on the biggest platform ,in one of those games where the clock seems to go slower the more you look at it.
Finally, it really happened. Feels a bit selfish , but I still feel the disappointment ( and the thrill of the good parts, like Peach’s goal ) of Wembley ‘79, Cardiff ‘03,even the Zenith Data, Wembley ‘17, and the semi final defeat.
And today I can really make my peace with those nearly- days.
Today made all that good .
It was ( football ) wonderful.