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  1. Would love to put him through the lie detector to see if he is really upset bout the guy topping himself. Would expose him to the creep he is
  2. I have a number of nice watches each representing something special in my life. My dad got a watch that he still wears from his 21st. I asked for the same on my 21st. I still have it and wear it When I got engaged I asked my wife to buy me an engagement watch as she had an engagement ring. There are a few more, but the point is the watches represents something personal and not about showing off. In buying the watches, I have found that buying them duty free is by far the best for getting a good deal specifically when going through Hong Kong or Singapore. Being a traveller, the salesperson will give a cheaper deal as you are only passing through.
  3. The1Ruffo
  4. Actually agree with this. Horrible player
  5. Geez if I performed like that at my work I would be On my first written warning. Make sure you give back your pay packets and perhaps next weeK you might bother to turn up and play. Goes for you to Koeman.
  6. Ruffo

    Chelsea racists

    Good feedback thanks. Yes clubs do have an elevated position however they are not the law, nor is sport. We pay taxes for the right legal system to deal with it. There are racists that don't follow football. So they are exempt? Please feel free to change the word silly to what ever you want but at the end of the day know one got killed, beaten, or raped. No kids where hurt. Remember the only winner in this debate is the media.
  7. Ruffo

    Chelsea racists

    Racism problem is bigger than football and actions within football will not fix a social problem. The chelski fans were silly but this type of stuff happens all the time. I have faced it first hand more than a few times. Not complaining just think it is not footballs issue, it is a social problem.
  8. All the World Cup does or any major award highlights why our top players leave to join 'big' clubs To make the field means you most likely belong to a big club
  9. I heard the pilots didn't even shut the engines down on the England plane, just refuelled for the return flight
  10. Southampton is hot property. Yes we may lose a few players etc but we have a fine club, with great facilities and an academy which would challenge the best in the world. Yes there may be a bump next season but give the club credit. It is in the best position it has every been in to absorb that bump. We should be aiming for a top flight manager.
  11. Looking at the local England talent available I would go offshore. Maybe pinch athletico's manager given their exodus
  12. Must win for me. Giggs is a nasty man and showed it when we went down. If we could send his last game off with a thumping I would be a happy man.
  13. If Adam goes for 40 million, we would have to spend twice that to get an equivalent player back in.
  14. Get rid of him for 7m plus we get to give him a kick up the @rse. Done deal
  15. Points lost IMHO. Great game all the same. Dislike how the media talk about arse dropping points. Give credit where due.
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