One of the excuses his defenders made for us is that he clearly "had the dressing room". Now, that ignores the significant number of players he fell out with whilst Swans manager, but if you're the sneaky, suspicious type you begin to wonder just how it is that so many stories make the press about how popular within the club he is despite results and performances being absolutely shite.
The conclusion is that the stories are originating with Martin himself. Either directly or via his buddies. Some managers make a habit of getting the local hacks onside by being a reliable source of stories, and Russy is quite good at it. Many, many times here we were told things via the local press that made him look good but clanged completely against reality. I'd be asking for the ultimate source of these stories if I was you.
We had the same thing with Roberto Martinez in the past. Another pretty shite manager who journalists loved to big up because he was a good source of copy.