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saint si

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Everything posted by saint si

  1. Tomas Pekhart? Vincent Pericard? Mayuka?
  2. saint si


    Looks right to me. The figures given are cumulative deaths, not daily. Italy 19 March, 3405: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-51964307 Italy 18 March, "almost 3000": https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-51952712 Italy 10 March, 631: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/italy-coronavirus-quarantine-live-updates-200309234533285.html Italy, 5 March, 148: http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/nuovocoronavirus/dettaglioNotizieNuovoCoronavirus.jsp?lingua=italiano&menu=notizie&p=dalministero&id=4157 UK, 19 March, 144: https://www.itv.com/news/2020-03-19/number-coronavirus-deaths-cases-england-uk-rise-nhs-128/ etc etc
  3. That's nothing to do with illegal immigration though, is it.
  4. Yay parliament fulfilling their constitutional role of holding the executive to account! Boo parliament just getting in the way of the executive!
  5. 200 (almost) premier league appearances at 24 pretty much makes JWP the definition of a premier league quality player. People have tendency to look at the best players as the benchmark of what is "PL calibre", instead of looking at the mediocre/worst players.
  6. "Hard done by". What, the guy that had his conviction quashed after spending 2 and a half years in prison? That guy?
  7. But how much did your bet on 4-0 and Ings first to score land you? Probably made up for the losses?
  8. They came out fast as you'd expect, but superior premier league fitness and ability showed through. For long periods of the second half we were happy to just slow it down. And we must NEVER shut up about this result regardless that they will say they were unlucky and how it's all not fair because we are in the prem so have a super-expensive squad. They beat us 4-1 in 2010 in similar circumstances and we absolutely battered them first half, and then their expensively assembled team bankrupted them.
  9. How does he do #2 before #4? and what the hell is a freedom charter?
  10. Yes I want to stop Brexit because it will cause untold damage to my country. Have absolutely no shame in saying that.
  11. It's not a competition.
  12. Consumer confidence ... Business confidence ...
  13. Wrong. It's not even that much a particularly hard problem compared to some things AI can do or almost do already (e.g. driving a car). Given the enthusiasm with which football (and sport in general) is now embracing technology, it's a no brainer, just a question of time. Be surprised if there aren't already tech demos. Tend to agree, other than on points of fact (i.e. did it hit the hand, not the intent behind the arm position; was it in the box or not) Nice principle and would agree, but practical reality is different. Refs are anyway going to be better (including being fitter and better able to keep up with play) at top end of the game. There is also counter argument that the more important the match, the more important that the correct decisions are made.
  14. I know you think refs are infallible and everything, but the precision of the law itself is a point of fact. It's not like in certain other laws where there is some level of opinion - i.e. "considered by the referee". Now you're trying to say that the cameras are inaccurate. Well sure, if they're not placed or calibrated correctly, but that's about measurement, not about definition. And keeping the game flowing is a different topic entirely. If VAR was instantaneously decided based on a 100% accurate AI (probably that is anyway less than 10 years away), would that change your view?
  15. It is a precise law. The imprecision is down to humans having to make decisions in fractions of a second, with attackers, defenders and the ball all moving. Like it or not, VAR is bringing the precision as defined by the law. All the bleating about tight offside decisions that were actually correctly given through use of VAR (England vs Cameroon) is because players are used to the imprecision. "The amount a player moves ... is minimal"... yes, but minimal is more than nothing and that's enough to make the difference between onside and offside, especially when played at the pace and fine margins of the professional game. Handballs and penalties though, that's a whole different discussion about "unnatural" positions.
  16. Except Todd's career with saints ended in 98 and a henry joined arsenal in 99...
  17. So much like we can today then? Other than the bit where we have a significant risk of screwing it all up chasing a massively one sided trade deal with a protectionist superpower.
  18. I hope revising for his A-Levels won't distract him from his summer job at Saints
  19. Might mean some extra money for us if there are clauses in their contracts
  20. It's Virgin Media on the ladies' kit
  21. Where's the column for "scheduled to appear in court on accusations of misconduct in public office" ?
  22. This looks like a recipe for a hung parliament... Given that it would be suicide to go in to any kind of formal coalition with Farage, and Lib Dems unlikely to want to get in to bed with the Tories again any time soon, the likely outcome would be a "progressive" coalition with Libs/Labour/Greens, possibly propped up by SNP. Corbyn's worst left-wing instincts hopefully tempered by a more moderate influence. That would almost certainly lead us to a second referendum. Be a touch ironic if that's the main achievement of the Brexit party. Of course, it's quite unlikely that the next Tory leader will call a GE any time soon, knowing that they are going to get annihilated.
  23. See your point but still disagree. Preventing a goal and scoring a goal are both worth the same. Why is one allowed to happen accidentally and the other one isn't. How long will we keep playing for after an accidental handball by a striker to confirm that it didn't result in a goal? I guess anyway let's see how they get applied in practice, because - just like with the rest of the laws around fouls and handball - there will be some generally accepted interpretation of what is considered "handball" and we'll all still be arguing about it even with VAR to help. (e.g. Spurs' winning goal in the CL QFs against City)
  24. The handball one looks stupid. Should be one rule applied consistently regardless of attacking/defending context etc. Is the "attacking third" going to be marked on the pitch now too?
  25. https://leagueoneminus10.blogspot.com/2019/05/season-review-20182019-%73hite-part.html
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