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  1. USaintA

    Flynn Downes

    So now everything's okay again. Wonderful. Since he's been at Saints, Flynn has certainly experienced some ups and some.... what's the word I'm looking for? Troughs! Some ups and some troughs.
  2. To the tune of 'Puff the Magic Dragon"... Bloke, we know as Dragan, owns Saints FC. He's bolloxed up our football club, and soon we'll play Pompey
  3. To the tune of "Agadoo" by Black Lace... Score a goal, Tall Paul Score a Score a Score a goal Score a goal, Tall Paul Score a Score a Score a goal With your left With your right Off your arse Or off your knees Score a goal Cos we’re shite So, for f*ck’s sake Score one, please
  4. To the tune of "Born Free" by Matt Monro... Tall Paul As tall as an oak tree He really hates Pompey Tall Paul, please score a goal
  5. USaintA

    Ivan Juric

    I saw a comment about our new man which said something like, "Never has there been a manager who looked more like they are wearing a disguise without wearing a disguise." Good luck to him.
  6. Ivan a refund. Ivan a different manager.
  7. Well, I think the Circle of Trust should feel very flattered. It's obvious the little lad worked very hard (and spent a lot of time) on this, and he clearly never had any help from a grown-up
  8. I have to congratulate you. That was absolutely appalling in every way, and I say that with great admiration.
  9. It never ceases to amaze me how the Circle of Trust can be so accurate with their news. Remarkable. Great work, fellas! And yet there are still those naysayers who doubt the validity of the information. I remain aghast at such negativity, especially when the evidence is so clearly overwhelming.
  10. USaintA

    Fans Forum

    I'm hoping someone asks about the best way to accessorise the new pink 3rd strip. Can the manager or board suggest a nice scarf or gloves to go with it? Or how about jewellery? And what sort of hat would be fitting to wear with such a shirt.
  11. Is this some kind of a hint that Argel Fucks will become the new Saints manager?
  12. I am not a Circle of Trust member, obviously, but I have been a Saints fan for over 40 years, and I can well remember the days when "The Trust" (as some of us used to call them) would drop transfer hints through their old subscription newsletter, "The Circle Jerk". A 16-24 page publication that would be published roughly once every two to three weeks. I remember fondly when "The Trust" revealed the news way ahead of time that Kevin Keegan was signing for Saints. If I'm not mistaken, they were the first to reveal Ronnie Ekelund was going to sign from Barcelona, and they hit the nail on the head when they correctly predicted Marians Pahars was going to be joining from Skonto Riga. My point is that we need to put our trust in "The Trust". They've never steered us wrong.
  13. Sorry to bump this, but I was trying to remember some of the songs Solent used to play after the games. Did they have a song for when Saints won, and another for when they lost? I remember Bruce Hornsby and the Range - The Way It Is. I also remember the intro to Maneater by Hall and Oates seemed to play all the time too.
  14. Wow. I have waited over 40 years for Saints to win in a meaningful final (sorry Johnstone's Paint Trophy, but...). Amazing feeling. At last. At bloody last!
  15. Don't panic everyone. This will be a big win for us today. I optimistically predict we'll score 3 goals in 10 minutes and win this 3-0. Saints are going up!
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