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Everything posted by saintcrris

  1. So its ok for woman to slap men in the Navy? Why was she not arrested. must of been a good whack for a black eye, bit embarrising for a hard marine surely 7/10 for me went to pompey early this moring and actually had a good time.
  2. Its not hard to understand its percentage per 1,000 pepole. You cannot hide the facts im afraid and we are talking about violent crime. Read that we were the... Geek capital Chav capital Young mums capital In the last six months or so, the Echo is doing a great job promoting our city!
  3. A great win and a great performance, not at the match myself but met up with a mate who did go and he never stopped going on about it for about a hour. Not much from the TV and all the writeups seem to be talking about how poor Derby were which made us look good. Bit angry with that but when you havent won a game for 35 matches maybe there might be something in it. Can't wait for tuesday!
  4. Sorry I missed this major event? Will the BBC be showing this on the news later on?
  5. Things are looking good, but as many on here remind us day after day lets not get carried away after 3 games. Its still only one win but its the way we are playing that is pleasing many fans. Yes I will praise Lowe, just like I praised Crouch at times. Maybe some of you should give more credit to Wilde because without his support Lowe would still be history .
  6. Just watched prob some of the most highly paid footballers in the world make our country look like a joke again. I wonder what our Olympic cycling/rowing teams think about these so called superstars.
  7. I like the idea of Binge drinking could be fun. Im sure the host country must have some say in it, seeing as China have the most medals. I actually watched Sycro Swimming this morning thinking to myself why is this crap in the Olympics. Thought the BMX was exciting and even the long distance swimming (only if you watch the last 200m)
  8. I go to matches thats it, I may have a moan on here (just like you did all last season) I care not one iota what Lowe or anyone else eats. You do not get out much if you really do think that SFC fans are any different then any other fans on the whole. You class a few posters on the whole fan base thats just poppy****. Fans can have their say thats what this place is for, but don't get too carried away because 10 or so posters on here don't happen to like the chairman on a single thread.
  9. I fail to see how some fans singing the managers name are to blame for the downfull of this club. Or the Northam as some friggin idiots would have us believe. Sturrock given time might of turned out to be a good manager who knows?
  10. Have AVG free But not had any warnings its just downloaded as usual?
  11. Why any lad would have his legs waxed just so he can put it on the world wide webb is a mystery to me. Some of you are as gay as ****, and very strange.
  12. Yes we played well first half, but again the opposition soon ajusted and blocked us out. Infact we ended up clueless something which has been with us for years. I don't want pretty football if it will cost us relegation, all I care about is winning. As for the attendence it was shocking might pick up after the holidays and a few wins.
  13. Mainly down to who I played pool for.. Swallows - Now dead Sportsman - Now dead Maypole - Now dead Target - Now dead Golden Hind - Now dead Old George - Still alive Forresters - Still alive Don't really have a local but know quite a few pepole in the Peartree (boorley green) And the Hinkler.
  14. Yep agree with all of this. Big test on saturday, looking forward to it.
  15. Not that far from where Lowe lives is it? Anyway as others have said does it really matter, Crouch is a fan at least so even if he is not involed in the day to day running of the club im sure he would be at the game.
  16. Ghosts - Not sure UFO's - Not sure Moon Landings - Yes Rosewell - Not sure God - Not a god but something I can't explain 9/11 - Yes Father Christmas - No, raindeers cannot fly (fact)
  17. Don't worry about nickh there are still plenty of us tight gits around. He loves telling other fans what and how they should follow SFC. Anyway I feel alot fitter cutting down this filthy habbit to just three a day.
  18. I think some fans got abit carried away after the West ham friendly. The gulf between a friendly and an actual league game in the championship was all too clear to see. We will improve, but I don't want us getting relegated at the price of trying to play pretty football. What good is that to the club. So you want to be entertained but at what price? We are very short at the back at the start of another season, GB was castrated for it last season yet we have let the same thing happen again.
  19. lol He is my hero as well, I have pictures of him all over my walls.
  20. Lets be honest the modern man cries like a friggin baby, more then the Girls. As todays report on the BBC also stating your just as likely to get the **** kicked out of you by a drunken girl. Times are changing. Its seen as ok now, if a bloke can cry on TV on shows like Big Bruv, every talent show going on national TV. Its when it starts ruining their makeup I start to cringe.
  21. Went to a childrens hospice to visit my cousin, the whole place the kids many did not have much hope but they were all happy. Had me in tears afterwards. And after I visited my mate who was dying of cancer, It was the last time I saw him alive. Put on a brave face infront of him laughing and joking but I cried afterwards.
  22. off to sunny Cornwall St Mawes area again in late August
  23. Stiff brush Hoover if that does not work a hammer and a very sharp chisel
  24. For every one that stayes away, maybe more will replace them we do not know. But your son deserted them once, so is it really any different?
  25. While I disagree with their stance, I respect their decision. Lets be honest we all knew this would happen if Lowe returned. And maybe even if Crouch stayed. They have said they will be attending many more away matches this season. And nodoubt that will still be more games then some of the posters who whinged for England last season and may do the same again if things go tits up again.
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