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Everything posted by holepuncture

  1. correct! As much as I enjoy reading Scoobys postings, I am convinced he is a skate. That said, the language he employs is fantastic, carefully chosen to spark reaction and contraversy, which is excellent on a fans forum which is open for saucy banter and jaunty debate, but not for a 'published' collumn. Anyone with a handful of intelligence should be able to write an arguement for either 'side of the coin' regardless of personal preference, prejudice, passion etc. This is where I think some of our most intriging posters fall short (IMO) Scooby, Alpine, Chorley, Beast, and many more (please dont take offence if I did or did not list you!). For these reasons I would vote for an academic, I also enjoy the postings of Steve Grant, or... if he could be charmed back, Fitzburg himself. I telephone interviewed Duncan for my SFC/CCC finance investigation last year and whilst he clearly didnt sit on the fence (ala Lowe and Co) he certainly was prepared to weigh up the merits of all sides and balance, justify and support his arguements accordingly. Thats what makes an interesting and insightful read in my opinion!
  2. we really can run these ccc teams about, and when it works, its unstoppable! Surman vs Ipswich is superb as was lallana vs QPR. for pure le tiss style flair il take Robertson, wasnt at the game on wednesday so i look forward to seeing him play! nice one Taylor/ Fatty11 for the upload great, way to start a friday! UTS
  3. success in the PL is without any execption (other than Chelsea coming second over first last year) directly related to expenditure, its practically science! the extra income generated from the CL offers financial protection to the top four teams, however the oil money for man city may shake that up, probably enough to force arsenal to sell to russian money at least. the CCC is the real deal, lots of different teams on varying financial playing fields, diversity of players young and old and committed supporters who are not concerned with grand slam sundays and the carlos tevez affair! i enjoy watching a bit of PL on sky, and i do find it entertaining, as i did on saturday in the pub with a friend (man u) who has never been to manchester/salford and a liverpool fan who i wouldnt be surprised if he hasnt been north of luton. they sat there drinking thier pints moaning about underperforming mega stars, thier heros who they have absolute minimal connection to. my man u friend asks me how hard it would be to get hold of tickets, as at the age of 24, the lifelong supporter has finally decided to start thinking about the possibility of one day actually seeing his beloved team play. I then explained that man u has over 300 million fans worldwide, representing about 5% of our glodal population, and that is the reason a lot of thier fans leave games early, regardless of whether they won 2,3,4 or 5 nill against fulham, as they have planes to catch! through this rant i have treid to identify some of the reasons i no longer care for the PL, although some may stem from the hurt and bitterness of our own demise. most of these feelings stem through a strong distaste for the environmental changes of our coutries top tier has taken over the last few years, and have absolutely no desire to be involved in the money laundering, cheap celebrity, outsourced employment, unstable, volatile, obsessive media circus that has become our PL.
  4. CCC is the most entertaining league about, I have lost all desire to compete in the PL as it offers such a dull equation of the more you spend the more you win!
  5. spot on euro, quite the politician with an arsenal of literary bounty at his disposal, which would generelly appease most customers in less volatile industires, but this is football where supporters are intensely committed and emotionally involved!
  6. and theres the answer, nothing makes me happier than when a lady picks up one of my saints shirts to wear in bed!
  7. Harsh on the fairer sex but i agree, they just aint up to bellowing out footy chants, if thats what you want. I think this probably is comparable with womens sport on the whole, and the estrogen instead of testosterone problem. I always chuckle when i see the kingsland lady with her blanket on knitting at half time (mind you its all a bit hormonal in the kingsland)!!!
  8. RL must really be humbled when he looks on this site to see all these cherished thoughts regarding him from his faithfull!
  9. Brilliant! You are certainly a fan of this Rupert eh!
  10. quite the toilet knowledge emporium eh! By the way where you work thier is a cult organisation of scat mongerers who are chuckling at you whilst they conduct thier fiendish scatty behaviours... if you cant beat them...
  11. quite optimistic about our future! We are clearing out the negativity and building a sustainable future financially. Supporters appear to be letting history remain as that and recognise that the new regime have made a very positive and ambitious approach to remaining a competitive footballing side whilst dealing with a very uncomfortable financial situation. Players seem up for it, playing as a team and its uniting the fans too! All in all, ignoring the sceptical niggle in the back of my mind, i am very excited!
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