success in the PL is without any execption (other than Chelsea coming second over first last year) directly related to expenditure, its practically science! the extra income generated from the CL offers financial protection to the top four teams, however the oil money for man city may shake that up, probably enough to force arsenal to sell to russian money at least.
the CCC is the real deal, lots of different teams on varying financial playing fields, diversity of players young and old and committed supporters who are not concerned with grand slam sundays and the carlos tevez affair!
i enjoy watching a bit of PL on sky, and i do find it entertaining, as i did on saturday in the pub with a friend (man u) who has never been to manchester/salford and a liverpool fan who i wouldnt be surprised if he hasnt been north of luton. they sat there drinking thier pints moaning about underperforming mega stars, thier heros who they have absolute minimal connection to. my man u friend asks me how hard it would be to get hold of tickets, as at the age of 24, the lifelong supporter has finally decided to start thinking about the possibility of one day actually seeing his beloved team play.
I then explained that man u has over 300 million fans worldwide, representing about 5% of our glodal population, and that is the reason a lot of thier fans leave games early, regardless of whether they won 2,3,4 or 5 nill against fulham, as they have planes to catch!
through this rant i have treid to identify some of the reasons i no longer care for the PL, although some may stem from the hurt and bitterness of our own demise.
most of these feelings stem through a strong distaste for the environmental changes of our coutries top tier has taken over the last few years, and have absolutely no desire to be involved in the money laundering, cheap celebrity, outsourced employment, unstable, volatile, obsessive media circus that has become our PL.