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Everything posted by holepuncture

  1. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/jan/07/ronald-koeman-sadio-mane-victor-wanyama-southampton 'Ronald Koeman will let Sadio Mané and Victor Wanyama sit “in the stands” if they agitate for a move away from Southampton.' Good man.
  2. And many other towns and cities it is now emerging. The thing that disgusts me the most is how the women and girls are being treated, being told to cover up, that they must keep people at arms length, not to out unaccompanied, so much for fairness and equality. These feral vermin perceive women as little more than a domestic animal, like a dog. Unfortunately it is the women of Germany who are currently being sacrificed in this latest phase of muslim pandering. Sickening really, though we know all to well what happens having experienced the systematic rape of thousands of children in the uk by organised muslim gangs. We will be paying for this for the rest of our lives.
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-35239503 Well done to the German women for speaking out about this, unfortunately they're the ones who will become victims of this violent culture Merkel has forced upon her population. Disgusting.
  4. I am aware of the sarcasm, though it does sum up the naive mentality of Europe too. You make a good point and I commend our government on their stance, they are dealing with the situation in the right way in my opinion by tackling the issue at source, supporting those in genuine need and not supporting the people trafficking industry. Harsh as it may sound, we must not forget that the people committing these crimes in Germany are not refugees, they forfeited that name whilst marching across numerous African, ME and EU states, who are all signed up to the UN refugee convention. It's too late now though, we will be paying for this for the rest of our lives.
  5. Inevitable or not it is still shocking and I am sad for the Germans who have had this put upon them. They only had to look at what has happened in the UK with the rape of thousands of English children by these muslim gangs in areas such as Rotherham. Or they could have asked Sweden how the locals get treated there. Live and let live maybe, but we will be paying for these people for the rest of our lives. They're a danger to us all.
  6. They're a danger to us all. Mind you. A colleague recently called the police terror hotline after witnessing some very odd behaviour by some Muslims whilst walking his dog in a very white English area (wandering around a forest in religious gear carrying a rifle), he said they were utterly useless.
  7. You can tell that #factless is thinking about this thread when he writes some of his garbled gibberish. It's no surprise to me that the news hacks are silent nutjobs, the amount of scoops we've put on a plate for them over the years, we pretty much earn their wages for them. No Xmas card from the c*nts though.
  8. That is absolute gold. Mighty
  9. Terry the builder, a blast from the past! LOL that he flogged the chairs to a collector, though some sweet justice for him after having to cover the storage for a few years. Let alone the fact that his own club shafted him on payments for his work. It must be ironic for the skates, getting stitched up by the people who they screwed over so viscously in the very recent past. PMSL
  10. Going off in France again: http://news.sky.com/story/1593694/armed-men-take-hostages-in-french-town
  11. Well I thought it was pretty good. Just a quick anthem, players linked, French flag on the screen and some respectful applause for our neighbours by the fans. No bother at all.
  12. No scanners or anything when I rocked up 2 minutes before kick off! Strolled straight in.
  13. This was inevitable, thank you Merkel. Two of attackers now alleged to have passed through Greece in the last month, it was so f*cking obvious to so many, yet here we are. We already had millions of questionable Muslims in our lands, now we have fresh terrorists from isil, we have ushered them through. No doubt the families, friends and neighbours of these scum will now say how surprised they are that they were terrorists, how they were nice little Muslim llads etc.... Never suspected anything, not a sign, not a hint, nothing! They're hiding these people IMO, Verbal may correct me but I understand the saying is 'al Taqiyya'. I'm devestaed for the good people of France.
  14. Interesting insight Turkish. Long live the Cult of Cortese We march on
  15. I lived with a lesbian couple once, since then they have split. One is now happily married to a man and the other is now happily married to a woman. People can "resort" to whatever the want at the time, in this instance being gay for one of the couple was a lifestyle choice. At the same time as this I was working with a bloke was was gay, you would have never even considered him to be remotely gay in stereotypical terms, he was just a regular straight up guy who happened to be gay. He absolutely hated the self inflicted stereotypes, the manufactured camp accents, the teapots etc, it was the main reason he largely stayed in the closet, only confiding with friends etc.
  16. He looked absolutely gutted sat on the bench when we equalised.
  17. One win in the last eight home games I heard on SSN IIRC PMSL
  18. I will hold my hands up as a CoC member who thought his departure was game over, the dream was finished and the firesale, meltdown and sale of the club to a nomark would happen. I didn't shed a tear or soil anything though. I miss our brutal dictator and also would be interested in his whereabouts. Delighted how we have marched on since. I wish Don Cortese well.
  19. Fusionator How can they say they acted immediately. Over 1 year ago I reported officially through health and safety that there were fleas and the leaking roof. One year on we have a bucket for the leak and the boss is blaming staff for bringing in a pet. Why then has the fleas travelled on many of our clothes back to our homes. Total neglect and they should be held accountable. We are all really angry. We appreciate THERE are cuts. But don't lie about how quick you acted. It has been infested for over a year and its also infested with mice. Let's say it as it is and stop pretending. Honesty and integrity. The most important values we have. Where is the honesty in this report. Very angry. Too little too late. Brilliant.
  20. https://mobile.twitter.com/senor_makay/status/650385186249641985/video/1
  21. Water canon, army and riot police deployed in Hungary, Migrants throwing bricks etc in return. Not looking good.
  22. Me too, incredible looking back on it all and reflecting on all that happened and what has come since. Nigel is a hero, an inspirational character in my eyes. Thanks for the memories Nige, together as one!
  23. Couple of links from the facebook lot https://www.facebook.com/LordChips/videos/10153011938595863/?fref=nf https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10153689358808969&set=p.10153689358808969&type=1 No idea if its a photoshop or not?
  24. Two petitions running: Stop allowing immigrants into the UK (Expires 26th Feb): https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/106477 Accept more asylum seekers and increase support for refugee migrants in the UK (Expires 13th Feb): https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/105991
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