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Everything posted by xerox

  1. xerox


    oh dear the 'im a better fan than you' lot are at it again. shut up you muppets. first you moan that the crowds are low, then when they all turn up you slag them off, make your minds up you daft feckers it's getting really boring!!!!!!
  2. the people on here are a joke, we win a game and all is ok, loose a game sack everybody were going down, same people spouting same old sh1te, i'm a better fan than you blah blah blah feck off you tw*ts, this board is going downhill fast, it used to be fun, not any more!
  3. shut up you fecking tw*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. w*nker!!!!!!!!!!
  5. BBB is right, they take with one hand, take with the other. i think this bail out may turn out to be the biggest feck up of all time, and most of the world has done it too!!!! the banks are a bunch of wayne-kers!!!!!! i think the tax payers cash should have been used to reduce personal debt, it would of put a bit of extra money in peoples pockets, held up house prices, increased tax revenue etc p.s i know very little about this sort of thing.
  6. Stop going to the games, if you were mug enough to buy an st, take it back, you are funding this shower of s1ht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!
  7. Stop going to the games, if you were mug enough to buy an st, take it back, you are funding this shower of s1ht!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. i've got £4 on blackpool to win 2-0 @ 55-1
  9. are you married to your dog???....or did i read this wrong??
  10. my gf and i didn't renew due to cost (had st's 5 years) and we made this decision before the corners were shut (we used to sit in cc blk3). we want to go to a few games this season but i'm really not sure where to sit now, we loved where we sat and got on ok with the people around us and the banter was fantastic - everything i want from a day at the footie! people on here are saying that you get into the habit of not going, they are right because as things are going i would not be supprised if i didn't get down there this season. the club did nothing to encourge st's to renew. even the early bird price was a joke considering the dross served up last season, and before, and before.....really sad all round. i think the club need to get pro-active with this issue as gates could soon be down to 10k and then it may be too late. PS - where did all you who sat around cc blk3 move to???
  11. well said!!!
  12. are you mad mate, the new qpr crest has as much class as a donought eating chav watching celeb come dancing drinking carling lager, it's a bit like the liverpool crest with the flaming tourches, wtf!!!!!! you can't just make up tradition, it has to mean something city crest for me please, ty.
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