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Everything posted by xerox

  1. oh bum....
  2. "To play for the best teams is a difficult challenge. But to play against the best teams and try to beat them is an even greater challenge. That is what I do." This needs to be printed on T-Shirts, slapped on billboards around the city and engraved on the brass plaque attached to the pedestal his statue, when he gets one - make it happen!
  3. xerox

    Max Kruse

    his house is up for sale
  4. feck me what a load of old grannies pussy's on here! as mick channon said when the don left - we have been here for over 125 years, i,m sure we can cope with someone leaving! get a grip ffs!!!
  5. RIP. There has been much talk on here about who should be included in the banner, or not. May I suggest that we create a blank space, a bit like the empty forth plinth in Trafalgar Square, in order to commemorate occasions such as players/other important figures in the clubs history, passing away? I think it would be a nice touch. Thanks for reading, Xerox.
  6. signed - best of luck ccfc!!!!!!
  7. this - get a grip people FFS!!!!!
  8. like i said on another thread, NC has laid his ambitions on the table and again stated where he wants the club to be, now we will see how big his kahunas are - sad for NA though.
  9. Calm down, sad to see NA go but NC has again outlined his ambitions for the club and that he will do whats needed to see it through! his reputation is really on the line, now we will see how big his khunas are!! thanks Nige - legend!!!!!
  10. captain should be a cb or cm, sd would be my choice
  11. no - why is this even here?????
  12. paddy power are taking bets on him scoring in the MU game
  13. the Sweden kit has a plain back.........
  14. i heard, i think on south today, that as were are ahead of the plan then more ££ would be made available on promotion, indicating that said plan is in place and backed up by cash ie we the money earmarked for the next two years is made available in one go..i don't have any links/proof etc i just remember hearing it somewhere.
  15. keep the stripes but return to navy blue shorts to make us i bit different?
  16. at the end of the day if we are going to compete at the level nc wants us to we will need to expand, if we go up, and stay up i think there is a good chance of expanding the kingsland, looking further ahead we may expand some more, depending on a lot of factors, to say this will never happen is being negative, i think we will soon see an application, first stage 8000 on the kingsland to go to 40000, completed by end of 2014.
  17. born - southampton grew up - hythe live - upper shirley age - 41 first game - man city at home 1990 first away - not sure
  18. we were very lucky to get markus but at the end of the day it was the stadium, training ground etc that made buying us such a great deal @£14m, that lot down the road don't have a pot to p1ss in. they can pray all they like but it wont do any good..
  19. This - it's because of the idiot minority who are unable to drink without being utter a-holes/violent etc that we can't even enjoy a beer in our seat, it's the same idiots that mean the 'buble' was used for the pompy game - you know who you are. it's a shame that the few can spoil it for the rest of us and something should be done about it
  20. "snowballed"? thats gross!!! keep your sordid sex life to yourself..
  21. saints unchanged from sat
  22. hi anybody know if there are any tickets left for this one?
  23. Guys at london bridge what pub u in cheers?
  24. going by your figures turkish if would make every sense to expand if you could recoup the money in six years. even if you only sell out 50% of games it would only take 12 years, on a 36m outlay thats a very good return. if you factor in the extra revenue the prem will pull in it's a 'no brainer'. in real terms with finance for the loan, writeoffs against tax, interest over say 20 years etc the real cost would be more like double the 36m you mention, but even then it would be realistic to clear the debt in say 15 years so it would still be viable. its a long term view that is required, like buying a house etc. i think the key is not getting relegated again....build it and they will come....imho
  25. i'm refurbing a one bed flat with no gch so i am fitting electric radiators http://www.cnmonline.co.uk/Swedish-Made-Digital-Electric-Radiators-pr-36282.html
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