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Tyler Wilson

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  1. No, it's a way of being able to source data from all different clubs. I will then analyse and write 6000 words discussing the results to portray different fans perspectives on club structure and the push for promotion.
  2. Ideally by the end of February as my dissertation is due in March an I need to analyse the data collected. Any photos already taken from matches that relate to club structure or the push for promotion can be used in the interview. Please let me know if you'd like to be interviewed. Cheers
  3. My name is Tyler Wilson and I am a student at the University of Worcester. I am doing a project which is all about club structure and the chase for promotion. As part of this I need two participants who are willing to take photos of the games they attend over an 8 week period which represent different things about their club. At the end of this we will have an interview which will allow you to discuss what each of those photos represent. The data will then be analysed and compared against other fans results to depict the main issues around club structure and the struggles of getting promoted. If you would like to take part please reply ASAP, your contribution will be highly appreciated.
  4. My name is Tyler Wilson and I am a student at the University of Worcester. As part of my dissertation I am researching ‘EFL Championship supporter’s views and fan activism around club structure and quest for Promotion.’ I need two participants from each of the three recently relegated clubs from the English Premier League to take part in an 8-week research project. This research project will entail the participants forming a portfolio of photos for 8 weeks that each depict something different about their club. At the end of the 8 weeks a photo-led interview will be conducted where the participants will talk through what each of their photos represents. I hope this research will come of interest to you and your participation to knowledge will be highly valued.
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