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Everything posted by nathan

  1. No your right, we haven't. We also haven't played a lot of teams away. I'm not quite sure what your point is?
  2. Shows how people can view a game differently. I thought McGoldrick beat him every time in the air, and he always seemed to be reacting to the game rather than anticipating things.
  3. nathan

    The Killers

    Hi, I remember before that I got a presale link from some kind person on here. Does anyone know about any presale links for their tour??
  4. I'd welcome him with open arms. He seems to be able to spend money without wanting to go crazy, and wouldn't treat us as a plaything.
  5. To be honest, from the above you would actually be doing more good than Bexy. I consider myself an intelligent chap, but just don't get why he thinks people should give him money. As I understand it, he wants us to pay him money to do something he wants to do. Fair enough if he was doing something he didn't want to do such as look after street children in India... Please, can anyone explain. Why if he is raising £2500 and he's doing it for charity, doesn't he just give all the money to charity??
  6. So presumably the answer is Usain Bolt as he is much faster than Saints. The quizzes on the old board used to be so much better. That one was just too easy. (By the way the above is sarcasm about the awful analogy/joke above.)
  7. This seems to be another 'better fans' debate. Let's get this clear...Northam, you're not that loud. The Chapel is quieter but not dramatically so, with the sides being quieter still.
  8. I think the only people you will get doing this job are those who either want to be police officers but can't for some reason; or those members of the public who are so officious that everyone would ignore them anyway.
  9. nathan


    I had a friend who went over there about three weeks ago and he couldn't get over how unlike it is to Talin (sp?), Prague, Budapest (i.e the other old eastern bloc capitals). Apparently it is still very communist in feel and the people were very xenophobic and unfriendly. He didn't seem to enjoy it at all. I am sure this will be argued with by somone who has had a great time there, but it's what he told me.
  10. Played from under 8s to under 15s for S&D. Played for the Tyro Rep side for two years @ under 12s and under 13s. Gave up for about 8 years but playing more now. Wish I'd kept playing.
  11. I don't think he was getting at either but merely stating that you were moaning about dictatorial people whilst being so yourself. ...but if you two have history...
  12. Look...I'm not going to tell you what to do, but please make sure you don't do that.
  13. It is the sole thing that has stopped me from buying it. It just makes it look hideous.
  14. It does always seem that SCC haven't got a clue about where to place traffic lights, or what timings to use. There are so many in town where there doesn't need to be.
  15. nathan

    Taxi Wars!

    I think it should be fair game to everyone. I always begrudge paying Hackney prices (they always add a surcharge, I am sure they have reasons for it) when I can call West Quay and get a taxi for about 2/3 of the price.
  16. I went over last night for our works do (Skandia) and it is always a good night. Beer (was free last night), music, and (if you can be bothered) sailing!
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