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Everything posted by nathan

  1. nathan


    You're obviously very biased towards the Labour party. I think you know that the elctorate do not want Gordon Brown as Prime Minister, otherwise he would surely have called the election last year until he realised he would lose. The argument about voting for the party and not the leader is mute. Tony Blair for all his faults (and there are many) was charismatic and played a major role in people voting for Labour (as you well know). Feigning ignorance doesn't suit you BTF, as you seem more intelligent than that. Although a bit too far to the left.
  2. Also, despite what you may hear a lot to the contrary Christianity is still the world's biggest and fastest growing religion.
  3. This seems to me what is supposed to happen at car boot sales??!!
  4. I seriously think that £15 for adults, £10 for concessions and we could get about 20k a week if we start to perform well. A lot of fans just want to see us win as opposed to who we are playing against. Season tickets for £250.
  5. Just back as well and it was terrible today. A wednesday fan came up to me at the end and said he felt really sorry for us. The players showed no fight or passion.
  6. There are a hell of a lot more wastes of my money than paying someone to help provide spritual relief/guidance to someone else in their darkets moments. A person's own beliefs will always cloud the judgement of anyone having this argument.
  7. I have a feeling that the ticket staff may just make a rough guess when giving out numbers!!!
  8. Surely, NU have an asset that is worth very little to anyone but us? The land can't be used for housing due to the proximity to the gas works and I can't imagine it would be very popular for retail, so the only option would be industrial. Is anyone really going to pay £23 million to build industrial units? Therefore, surely if someone came in and said here's £10 million (pie in the sky figure by the way), write off the rest, what option do they have? It may just be me looking at it simplistically but I don't think NU have any interest in us being liquidated.
  9. If i could i wouldn't leave the house.
  10. If i could i wouldn't leave the house.
  11. The problem with shutting it could be the rent and the terms they pay. A lot of the stores have long leases with large penalties for breaking them.
  12. Just spoke to the ticket office getting my tickets for Watford and there are currently 6361 tickets available. It did go down to 4000 but they have now opened all corners. So that means about 23,000 have been sold.
  13. From what I understand (This may be compeltely wrong) the football club is an asset. If someone came in with an offer the administrator would consider it and see if it was the best deal for the creditors. If accepted this money would go into a pot for the creditors (which includes shareholders, staff, NU, Barclays etc.). However, there is never normally enough money to pay shareholders so they would get nothing.
  14. Go back to the roots and call it Southampton St. Mary's?
  15. There actually isn't. There is not one shred of 'evidence' that the world was created by a big bang occuring. I'm more inclined to believe that the beauty and originality of everything on the earth was created by an ominpotent being with a plan rather than by some random scientific collision of atomic particles.
  16. I think he means, based on the premise that we will be down so Rupert will call in the administrators rather than wait until next eyar and get the points deduction.
  17. So, it is the government's fault. The way they have gone about this situtaion smacks of desperation. They should have renogotiated contracts when they invested the large amount of money, but unfortunately, they seem to have bailed out with a huge amount of money but have no say in how the bank is run. The Law is there to protect everyone, it is not this guy's fault that the contract he has allows this. If you were employed and someone offered you more than you thought you deserved would you tell them no thank you? Of course you wouldn't. Bloody commies!
  18. So presumably if you worked, had a contract and then your employers decided not to pay you, that would be ok. Typical lefty rubbish. The contract is there for areason. I don't agree with him getting the money but it was the bank who agreed his contract.
  19. I have been a member of the marching in, saints forever, and the thesaintsforum websites and try only to post when I have something sensible to say. I have been a season ticket holder for the last 16 years and currently sit behind one of the old admins of this site. So no, I'm not a PR plant. If only I could...
  20. It is indeed. I was merely passing on the info, and this was the date mentioned. I presume that like any other court case, it wouldn't be dealt with on a Sunday.
  21. I have heard a rumour that we have been issued with a winding up order with something due to happen on 8th Feb. (Vague I know!) I don't claim to be in the know, and this has only come from someone who does a lot of hospitality at the ground and knows a few of the staff. Anyone heard anything about this?
  22. I would say that at least 95% of the stewards in the ground are fans. They don't get paid enought to do it for any other reason. Like any job, you get jobsworths and brown nosers. I have never had any trouble with any stewards, police, or security at St marys, or for that matter at any of the fifty away grounds I've been at watching Saints. I always feel that if you don't go looking for trouble, it won't come looking for you. I appreciate that there are always exceptions to this, but on the whole, a lot of people need to grow up and realise that if you call a steward a ****** to their face and goad them, they will react.
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