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Everything posted by nathan
There were at least two clear occasions on Saturday when he wasn't offside, but was flagged anyway. I'm not saying he is never offside, but a fair few times his pace makes it look like he is when he isn't.
They have a set price for a car that goes down depending on age. When I took out my car I was offered gap insurance which covers any shortfall between their value and what is o/s on finance, as there is sometimes a large shortfall.
I still think that we have a much stronger team than MK Dons. So, I reiterate, that if we play to our best we will win.
Everyone seems to be forgetting that the Oldham team we confortably beat on Saturday, beat MK Dons 2-1 less than a month ago. If we play to anywhere near our best, we will beat MK Dons. It's that simple.
I've been to the Southampton one once and they are pretty good, although it seems that is only at St Mary's where the drinks locked away during game applies. At Man U, Leicester, and Southend we were allowed to carry on drinking all the way thru. I don't think it is value for money at present as like another poster said, it's only beer and wine that is free. When we went we were drinking everything going.
I think the goodbye one works best La La Lana La La Lana Hey-ayyyy score a goal!
McMenemy - one of the UK's most successful managers?
nathan replied to Nineteen Canteen's topic in The Saints
LIES, DAMN LIES, AND STATISTICS For the sake of rising to your obvious bait, and not having complete stats to hand. The following below should be removed from your list: (IMHO of course, although I am playing devil's advocate a bit with a few of them) Redknapp - 1 FA cup, lower league wins with Bournemouth and Skates Greenwood - 3 trophies in 13 years with arguably the best English players ever. Mourinho - bought two titles with massive spend and inherited most of squad from Ranieri!!! Atkinson - sorry, are you serious???? control of biggest club and nearly got them relegated. Moyes - won one less trophy than Lawrie and no where as good in the league! Armfield - won absolutely nothing! Dalglish - bought a premier league title with Blackburn. Failed miserably at newcastle Hodgson - well respected but won nothing in England. As I say, you can twist stats anyway you want to suit an argument, but to conclude, Lawrie is in the top 20 I would say. -
Fair Trade in itself is a false economy. We should be encouraging these farmers to sell to their local community and not shipping products half way across the world. The damage to the environment and local communities is made worse by exporting these type of goods. ...but to be honest, I don't care. If it tastes better (such as free range meat from Farmer's Choice delivery), then I'll buy it. Not simply because it has a little sticky label on the side.
The main lack we have is the players (James, Lallana, Harding, Mills) just don't want to get to the byline to cross the ball. They would rather hoist the ball in from 40 yards away and make it easier to defend. A ball coming away from goal is much harder to defend, but so much easier to attack. I just don't understand why, week after week, someone hasn't told them.
I completely disagree. They had the most fans brought to SMS for a while, but were silent for large periods of the game. They only ever sung one song, and if you can't sing loudly when you've beaten a team away from home in the 95th minute, then there is something wrong.
Speaking from my experience (albeit brief) in the NHS. Money is wasted hand over fist. It was the easiest job I have ever had purely beacuse there was nothing to do. Seven people were employed to do a job that could have been done by two, but because the department needed to spend a budget we were all employed for nigh on 4 months. I have a friend who still works for the NHS in an administrative role. Hid dept. ordered six brand new computers (they weren't depserately needed) but they did need new monitors, beacuse the ordering process was so convaluted. He is in a relatively low level job with no real responsibilities but has a blackberry, company car, and an exceptional pension. None of which he would get in a private company at that level.
I went on an 18-30 holiday in 2002 and despite all the misgivings we had about the tours and excursions it was one of the best holidays I ever been on. The reps soon learnt that we weren't going to buy into the pay for a pub crawl deal when we could do it for free ourselves. A couple of nights we just followed them around paying €10 less for the privilege! The clubs were brilliant and the bars very good, expecially ground zero (the rock/indie bar). Although as people have said it was very expensive back then. €30-40 for entrance to the club alon. I spent about £1300 over two weeks.
I'm confised. Who was the small nippy winger who played a few games towards the end of last season? I thought his name was Kyle McLaggon? I'm presuming this isn't the same bloke?
You really are an idiot. Any woman who goes out with someone who says the above is far from 'decent'. Seriously, grow up.
Seriously, I had read many comments about you and I was prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I have now seen the **** you spout. I haven't yet worked out what your agenda is, but you clearly have something against this football club and it's current setup. Why don't you do us all a favour and **** off???
Although, it may have been As in General Studies and Media!
I have been sitting there since St Marys opened and didn't notice any difference on Saturday. I swear occasionally and have a go at the ref, so if anyone comes and tells me that after 18 years of being a season ticket holder (I'm only 25), I can't swear anymore I will tell them to 'f**k off'!! Seriously, I'm a little bit miffed why they moved the family enclosure, but like others have said, most people around me have renewed so I can't see there being much difference.
Maybe something that the 'youth' could join in with: 'La la la la la la Lambert. La la la Lambert he's scores for Southampton. La la la. We signed him from Brizzle, he is the shizzle La la Lambert, La La la Lambert he score's for southampton La la la We signed him from Brizzle, he is the shizzle' (repeat etc.)
Let her give birth and then let her rot. She should be made to serve her full sentence but knowing our government, she'll be out soon. There also seems to be a bit of contradiction: 'Orobator admitted trying to smuggle the heroin through Wattay airport in an effort to take it to Australia' Mr Stafford Smith added: "How can we justify throwing someone in prison when we don't even know the basic facts of the case?" The basic facts of the case seem pretty clear to me!!!! She doesn't seem to have ever denied smuggling the drugs.
Like people have ssaid above I think there are people who have the sniffles and immediately say they have swine flu. In our office it's all the same people who are normally off loads anyway. A girl came in today with a cold and said she had swine flu, but there is no way she had anything more than a runny nose, but she still got sent home to watch Jeremy Kyle.
Good god, you are pathetic. It's obvious he has something to do with the club, hence his interest in selling tickets and wanting to raise money for them. I would very much doubt that Cloth Ears is taking a cut of the sales, or is some sort of dodgy tout!
It's just so wrong on so many levels. If the FA think they have legally done the right thing then what do they care if we appeal. Let us appeal, we lose and they get their costs.
Unfortunately, you will never have free and fair elections when Ayatollah Khomeni (?), 'the spiritual leader' publicly backs one candidate over another.
As much as I dislike Gordon Brown I would be even more dissapointed if he didn't comment on the Iranian situation.