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Everything posted by Dellyears

  1. Agree he never fitted here and needed to go but with the right manager and style of play he may become a winner...I hope he turns the page and does brilliantly
  2. Fewer injuries in the last couple of years He must be a top rate goaly or he wouldn't have been selected by a series of managers (inc Koeman) for the national team. Its the injuries that worry me.
  3. Sterling is on £325k a week
  4. Join us for a hattrick
  5. Exactly how I remember it, both how we were taught at school and how we saw it at the Dell on alternate Saturdays at 3.00pm. The decisive clash was often between the free booter at centre half and the strong arm centre forward. There were exceptions and the greatest for us was Charlie Wayman the tiniest forward in the league who ran rings round confused giants and made himself my first Saints hero. I got his autograph sixteen times in one book. He came to the Dell each morning on the number 2 bus. On the sixteenth occasion he spoke and said 'Have I seen you before'. Marvellous.
  6. Sounds horribly patronising
  7. All this talk about a goalkeeper's feet does my head in. I know its the modern way, I know Pep introduced it and everyone is trying to copy it but surely the first and foremost job of a goaly is to keep the ball out of the net. That seems to be secondary now, and that's crazy. Please give us a goaly who can save shots
  8. Does this mean we have reached our loan limit and its now buy only?
  9. Well done, glad to hear it BUT what news of a GK?
  10. Yes please, but is that a realistic hope or just a fantasy?
  11. Nobody here seems to trust either of them. Is there even a rumour of a GK coming in? Yes, even a rumour would cheer me
  12. Alcaraz wants to go. Club policy has been not to keep players who want away and he is one of the players who will earn us much needed money to buy. So let's get on with it.
  13. We desperately need a goalkeeper full stop
  14. Can't understand hostility to our captain, he has had t he Club at heart since a boy, he improves every season, he plays with passion, he deserves big support
  15. My preference is for a goaly, that would complete a very good window but without a top GK we're sunk.
  16. He was a success for one season and has done nothing for anybody ever since
  17. Less fragile than Lavia, we hope.
  18. Excitement about a signing? What I remember is shock sadness and anger when we someone took one of ours..it was losing Charlie Wayman to PNE in 1950 or 51 . I was 15 and that did for me.
  19. That just shows Premier football and Chelsea in particular live in a parallel universe. The only way we will survive is by enjoying crumbs from the rich man's table. So let's enjoy Lesley Whatshisname and he may even join us, as Flynn did.
  20. Just what i wanted to know, think I understand it but how complicated the Beautiful Game has become at top level.
  21. My opinion; Charles will contribute a lot, his time with us will be profitable for both parties and he will have a good career. He's been written off far too early. Success isn't instant in any walk of life
  22. Of course we want his sale to go through and we want him to haver a full career but the man is never fit for anything but the treatment room. We collect them. Remember Delgado, now Stewart.
  23. Enough please for a goalkeeper who will dominate his area, catch crosses and give fans a little confidence. Its going to be a tough season, my weekend mood and my blood pressure will be helped if we have confidence in our goalkeeper.
  24. I liked JWP, I followed him from beginning to end of his time with us, he was the constant Mr Reliable, no showman just professional dedication. But bring him back? Would that work? He's not too old. The RM style might suit him but I doubt he would add anything. As for the other guy Ings ,he is too old and the opposite of JWP, he is utterly unreliable. No thanks, his day is done
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