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  1. This is what I said when you guys ended up with him. To this day I believe you got promoted despite RM and not because of him. It seems to have played out as I exected, just took a bit longer. The guy's a fucking charlatan and self propagandist with no concept of owning a mistake. Given enough time, he'll put any team at the bottom of a league but boast about 70% possession every damn game. Good luck with the rest of the season, and if worst comes to worst I'll look forward to our teams playing in the champs next season. I've always been partial to a real Saints game. Don't let the cunts sell Dibling for pennies !
  2. Swansea fan here, watching your game as my lads won't be on till tomorrow. So I'll give you the opinion of someone who spent far too long enduring Russball and 'the process'. Never was a fan of RM, he seemed nice enough but he's far better at self promotion than football management and I couldn't believe you guys came in for him. The longer he spent at Swansea coaching his tactics into the team, the worse we got. He's absolutely smitten with possession regardless of the end result, and he's obssessed with a passing triangle between keeper and the center backs....even when they are under intense pressure. This obsession leaked tons and tons of goals for Swansea and any competent poacher will be licking their lips if they play against a RM team. We went about 20 games without a win due to his crazy 'piss about dangerously at the back' tactics and only when he changed out of that did we get wins (he went straight back to it once his job was safe). I'll never forget him for the double he gave us over Cardiff and then another one the season after xD, but he won't be missed. Don't think that just because the Saints squad is significantly higher quality than the Swans squad and most of the championship that you are immune to his anti-tactics. Given enough time he'll give you the worst defensive record in the league. At least you'll smash us when we play, we are proper shite now.
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