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Mboto Gorge

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Everything posted by Mboto Gorge

  1. Mboto Gorge

    Ivan Juric

    Exactly this. We get people like MLG insisting that we should wait and see how Spors gets on before giving SR any grief. Fuck that, I’ve seen enough to know how this will go. 3 years of some of the worst running of a football club anywhere in Europe, with over 90% of decisions a complete disaster. They can fuck right off. They’d be getting absolutely run out of town at most other clubs by now. They’re very lucky we are such a passive fanbase on the whole but I think even our fanbase is on the verge of collectively giving them both barrels now
  2. Exactly. Another absolutely fucking pathetic half arsed signing from these chumps who we have the misfortune of calling our owners. If there’s literally one type of player we DIDNT need, it was a powderpuff , physically weak, passing midfielder with a tidy touch and fuck all else. What the fuck is wrong with this lot at the helm?
  3. What a shock there is zero fight, pride or leadership among this joke of a squad when the geniuses at the top rolled into the club and thought signing a bucket load of academy players and cheap young bargain basement players was going to be the master plan, when the squad under Ralph was already crying out for more grit and leadership in the first place. They’ve continued upon this delusion, completely neglecting the need to sign anyone with a tough mentality who will refuse to let standards drop. Another string to the bow of the absolute dog turd that is Sport Republic.
  4. I truly hope we don’t see most of these shithouses playing for us next season, they’re a bloody disgrace to the city
  5. What is it with this club and managers constantly playing players woefully out of position? It’s almost like they’re taking the piss out of us to see how bad they can make us, fucking sick of this inept shit. All we want to see is an element of competitiveness, players in their correct sodding positions,doing the basics even half right, and players busting a gut even if they lack quality. But this shit show of a club can’t even provide the fans with that, and it’s an absolute fucking disgrace. In short, You couldn’t fuck this club up more if you tried!
  6. He’s simply one of the worst keepers I’ve ever seen in a saints shirt. Just a nothing keeper, doesn’t command, doesn’t seem confident , very fragile like a lost little boy at times. And most importantly doesn’t actually make any saves. A very poor keeper.
  7. The majority of our fanbase at home games are an embarrassment. Absolutely Fucking clueless. Standing ovations and applause for crap performances , clapping lazy prima donna clowns like ABK. And completely passive towards the utter incompetence they witness week in week out
  8. Yep, nailed it. There’s losing, and there’s being the biggest joke and laughing stock the premier league has ever seen. To think These idiots took over a relatively established premier league club too, almost a decade back in the top flight when they took over. And they managed to make us this uncompetitive in record time. We aren’t just crap and going down, we are a complete embarrassment to levels never witnessed before. The club are lucky the stadium is more than half full on Match days now. The performances deserve crowds of 8-10k
  9. I am not disagreeing with your stance, that’s your perogative. I just think you are far more patient than most. However you’re quite synonymous with the overall fanbase at st Mary’s, eg a placid, lapping up failure and gullibly coming back for more, kind
  10. Jesus wept
  11. It’s the only thing I can think of as to why you’re so ridiculously naive. Surely you don’t still believe that they deserve any faith from the fanbase whatsoever ?
  12. Do you really believe this drivel you’re posting, or are you toeing the line like you’ve always done because you have connections to the club that you don’t want to harm? doing well at fucking goztepe in a Mickey Mouse league is the same as trusting someone who’s done a great job at league one level to come here and do a great job. Though that’s the kind of basis these idiots work upon anyway.
  13. Do you not understand the premise of what he’s saying or are you deliberately being pedantic? These owners are shite, absolute shite, they’ve fucked this club right up. A club with one top flight relegation between 1974 and 2023, and these clowns have managed a 100% record of 2 relegations in consecutive premier league seasons. So I think he means, how long do you give them before you decide they’re a total fucking shit show of an ownership group? Pretty simple really
  14. Exactly, and this is part of the issue I believe. SR have grossly under estimated the level of investment, professionalism and attention to detail needed in making decisions in the elite level that is the premier league, due to owning these other Mickey Mouse noddy clubs. They’re completely out of their depth at owning a top level club in the same way a league one manager would be out of their depth managing in the premier league.
  15. You’re encouraging people not to dare show any discontent because there is now a new DOF in place, as if by magic that gives the owners a free pass from Any criticism for several years of the worst mis management of a club i can ever remember, which in my opinion is laughable. Why should they get leeway just because they’ve made a change way after the horse has bolted. It won’t stop the current rot that’s set in. Guessing you’d still trust a girl who’s shagged lots of men behind your back, as she now has a new life coach?
  16. So no one can dare show any discontent at a board who have totally fucked up the vast majority of every single decision they’ve made since they arrived, to the point of turning a once proud club into a laughing stock and running joke, because they’ve now appointed someone new and we need to give him a chance? Yeah that makes sense. I’m sure it’ll work out just great. Sorry but I’ll probably take more notice of someone who hasn’t got their tongue up the clubs arse due to being their FM data analyser or whatever it is you do.
  17. Mboto Gorge

    Ivan Juric

    The fact you continue to bizarrely pine for Martin who was the most delusional and out of his depth manager the premier league has probably ever seen in its history, to the point that you’re turning your nose up at a win we’ve achieved less than a few hours ago when other fans are genuinely enjoying it, really is weird fella. Almost like you didn’t want us to win, you sound mighty pissed off about it. Is being proved wrong about martin really more disappointing to you than winning the game today? Fucking ridiculous way to support a Football team if so
  18. Ah ok, agree with your reply. He isn’t premier league level really, agree there, but FOR US, he’s the best we’ve got which says more about us. I think the previous annoyance was that even worse strikers than him, who have no physical presence so weren’t even getting a kick, were getting a stack more game time. He probably needs to start 80-90% of our games in reality unless we somehow sign a better centre forward by Monday.
  19. Exhibit A of fucking clueless fans. The one striker we have with a physical presence who actually knows where the net is and has a prolific scoring ratio, and you don’t want to play him. He’s the best we’ve got right now in terms of a focal point up front. Who would you suggest replaces him as a genuine centre forward then? Laughable
  20. Feel free to tell me what parts of my post you disagree with. Or are you suggesting you think Martin got the best out of what he had available to him?
  21. Surely it’s quite natural for a fanbase to still be a little bit aggrieved at the ineptitude of the previous manager who managed 5 points from 17 games or are we all supposed to forget about the fact that the guy was more interested in his own image than making sure he got the best out of the squad at his disposal and actually set the team up to be competitive, at the very least show some resolve and try to get some positive performances out of the squad and set them up correctly to give the best possible chance to do. He failed at the most basic, given requirements that all fans of any team should expect, and not only that, he didn’t seem to have an issue with the way things were going either. And that’s a huge part of why we’re already relegated in January with the worst start to a season in premier league history. Again, it’s utterly bizarre that as a fan of this club, none of this seems to bother you: to the contrary in fact.
  22. It’s quite probably that, because let’s be honest Martin has found himself overall to be lacking in certain basic fundamentals needed to be successful manager. He has probably guaranteed himself to never ever get anywhere near a premier league job again. And If he ever took another champ club up, he would likely be replaced before he had a chance to manage them in the prem, based on the shit show he presided on here.
  23. That aside, and forgetting this particular brooks topic…you do seem to relentlessly stick up for Martin, against all logic sometimes. I’d be interested to know what it was about him that you felt you had to keep defending the often indefensible. I just find it really odd - almost to the point where there’s more to it
  24. The relentless defence of Lego by certain posters is so bizarre when he proved beyond all doubt he was hugely out of his depth here at best, and completely negligent and bringing the club into disrepute, at worst. Judging by reports of the overall fitness levels and total lack discipline among the whole environment during his tenure…combined with our pitiful points tally this season, I don’t think the latter is too far wrong.
  25. I mean ,you read quotes like this attributed to Rasmus, and it’s almost as if he’s a massively arrogant detestable cunt isn’t it?
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