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Everything posted by proevosaints

  1. When the deal is revealed, hopefully today, then the new owner will be revealed. While im sure he'll be happy to take a fair few plaudits especially when the hoped manager is revealed. However he wont be playing the media game, or in the spotlight, hence the le tiss appointment as chairman. Looking forward to his name coming out, think it may be a small surprise for a few people
  2. So Excited Artful Dodger are back...any idea if they'll be doing a proper set?
  3. See other thread! Supposedly we're no longer in talks? Fry pulled the plug already?
  4. 3rd season just started prem, after taking ivory coast to the wc semi's without a goalie! Davis does good for me as does lloyd james. got some great strikers in the summer. Sold micheal stewart for four million, a four mil profit in a year..so had around 9 mil to spend. Brought roberston, and a few other strikers who are cheap and superb for the prem along with wingers and cb's will list tommorow
  5. I think you'll find that says rough idea! And everyone on here seems to have the faintest of whats going where!
  6. I think everyones forgetting something major here! We're southampton football club, we dont do things simply. It wouldn't be us if we didnt have a few arguements or muck it up somewhere along the way. Protests are about passion not planning. We meet, we walk and songs will start, people will talk, attention will be gained! People are moaning saying it'll look stupid and they'll be troublemakers kicking things off, well at least they'll bother to be there, and if they bring some passion then fair play. Its not about grabbing ruperts attention, he wouldn't listen if we got a sodding aircraft and flew it into saint marys. But we will get everyone else's attention, and support. On a serious note though, its already nearly thursday. Would be nice to have a new sticky with where we're actually meeting and when.
  7. sorry to hijack the thread, but can't start my own and need a bit of help with my media, If anyone could answer this or start a thread for me would appreciate it. Thanks Age: Gender: Occupation: (Optional) Marital status: (Optional) What football team do you support? How far away do you live from your teams ground in time? 0-30 Minutes; 30-1hour; 1-2hours; 2-3hours; 4+ Are you a season ticket holder, member or neither? How many games do you attend per season? 0-5; 5-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40+ Do you subscribe to satellite or cable to be able to view more football? If so which ones? e.g. Sky Sports, Setanta etc Would you miss a home game if it were on television? Would you miss an away game if it were on television? If so what are your reasons for not attending either a home game or away game? E.g. saves money, change of kick off time makes travel harder, lack of public transport etc. Which of the following games would you watch if they were on television? · Your team · A top of the table premiership clash – Man Utd v Chelsea · A normal Premiership Game – Blackburn v Middlesbrough · A European Tie Featuring at least one team from your country – Arsenal v Real Madrid · A European Tie featuring foreign opposition - Barcelona v Lyon · An Underdog F.A Cup Tie – Havant v Liverpool · An all premiership F.A Cup Tie - West Ham United v Everton · A Derby match – Sunderland v Newcastle · A World Cup Qualifier Spain v Bulgaria · A World Cup Group Game/ Knockout Game Italy v Brazil · F.A Cup Final – Man Utd v Liverpool · World Cup Final – France v Argentina · Pre Season Friendly – Charlton – Celtic · A Football League tie – Bournemouth v Luton Blue Square Premier Game Oxford v Forest Green
  8. Thought I'd put my two bob in. Went to a charity pro am the first year we were in the championship at a local golf club, and found Redknapp, Scw and Le tiss all playing. Harry was brilliant i unfortuantely have to say, talking to us for about 6 holes straight, all about how and why he signed belmadi etc and told us he hoped we enjoyed the weekends game, and that he was confident we'd win. Despite the fact i now hate him, noone can fault his charity work, or his people skills. Lovely bloke. Had a nice chat back then with le tiss, saying he got back as much as he could, and asked him if he knew about the youth set up and who to watch. Mentioned lallana and said if he can bulk up his touch and skill are fantastic and could be great... so not a bad scouting from le tiss. Unfortuantely only got a few words with scw, who said he was looking forward to getting into football. And to add to the wayne bridge story. First game at sms in the league agaisnt chelsea, and i was about 12/13 and decided to stand by the side of the tunnel waiting for autogrpahs, well most of the players had gone in but a few were still running around. Jogging towards the tunnel came bridge, so i started furiously shouting for his attention and yet he gave a quick wave and said something and went back in. Back he came a minute later and this time had changed his boots and was out clearly checking they were more comfortable, i had given up shouting as we had decided he was rude and couldnt be assed. Well he came back jogging over, took me over the barriers and led me down the tunnel. Once inside he apologised and went to sign my programme, but the pen was crap. So even then he went to a policeman borrowed a pen and signed it then said bye, and went off down the tunnel. Couldnt believe id been down the tunnel at the first game...Top Bloke.
  9. Release the L stick?? thats ********, you need the l stick to direct your shots to corners, just dont hold it to far or for to long. secondly dont be afraid to have a pop from anywhere. Im more than up for joining a team, probably got a couple of you on here anyway PSN is proevosaints Im probably best at either CF Or CB
  10. Hi all. Got tickets today for the eden project gig. Congrats if anyone else did. Anyone looking to share lifts by any chance?
  11. Just signed a new three year deal...on the os http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/articles/article.php?page_id=10511
  12. He used to go and watch saints when he was younger, so im guessing he'll have a little knowledge of how important the fans are of southampton and the standards he expects.
  13. proevosaints


    Please tell me you brought them under seperate addresses and with different name, email addresses and cards. Cause otherwise all eight are gone. Already happened to some people. Also well done for taking tickets of people who got up and were queueing hard so you could rip them off. Bravo to you!
  14. proevosaints


    Get lucky with tickets in the end?? Bournemouth standing:D:D
  15. The flagging of a throw in by the linesman one way, ignoring the ref who had already signalled the other. No i do not think refs deserve abuse, but after doing it myself i realise its part and parcel of the game. Im more than willing to shout at players/refs etc on a saturday so i should be prepared to recieve some back its the state of the world we live in. But as a referee unfortunately you need to be thick skinned and ignore the abuse, most players dont even remember saying it. And as for the overweight issue this thread comes from, it quite clearly was a valid point. As for your brother, thats very sad to hear. On a side note i assume your from hampshire? It is worth contacting them if your brother wants to go back in to reffing and asking about the centre of excellence/academy reffing. Its much more structured, a higher level of football and there is next to no abuse.
  16. I was a qualified referee( albiet before i had an argument with the fa) The people here arent arguing over wrong rule decisions. It was quite plain to see the referees are over weight and not running very fast. Then the linesman and the referees were contradicting themselves. This obviously leads to abuse from fans and quite rightly so, but how then can the fa expect people to want to become refs when they as a unit are so incompetent
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