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Everything posted by proevosaints

  1. Or you could consider the fact him and his girlfriend have just brought a place in wimborne, so dont think he'll be leaving anytime soon...blooming nice house as well
  2. Just like to point out another umbro kit with the two tone stripe...can see a lot of sash lovers being disappointed
  3. Interestingly the n.ireland umbro kit has come out and i'd be willing to bet that ours will be the same as that with red and white replacing the two tone green. If anyone goes to the club shop and see's the little kids shirts you'll get some idea, even maybe identical!
  4. This is bloody ridiculous. Dune firstly if you belived the marc jackson one you clearly are thick as anything! Secondly use a bit of logic eh son? He's wiped the debt, spent a good 5million on players, paid money to have the training ground plans written up, and all this along with making the club self sufficient, now i fancy myself as a businesman but sod me i wouldnt be able to pull that off because i havent got the money, Liebherr must clearly have the money. This summer has been laughable, yes the season tickets were late but if you have saved up the money like the sensible thing to do then you'll be fine, smiliarly if not get a 0% credit card, essentially the last few years you've payed saints and they've essentially paid a firm who lent them the money on your behalf. Stop moaning, if you want a season ticket you'll find a way everyone else does. Its like me going to buy a car and going oh you wont give me the finance oh how terrible and blaming the car company, no, simply you'd just take a loan out. Everyone moaned for years while this club was run into the ground, people were spending money we didnt have and the club was massively in debt. Now finally we get ourselves self sufficient, maybe through snide tactics like booking fees etc but at the same time we're getting treated to decent players and other perks. People moaned for ages about the state of beer, saints promise to solve it, and maybe thats contributing to season ticket prices and ticket prices but you cant create a wishlist and expect it just to be done, theirs budgets for a reason and extra costs have to be made up for somewhere. Rant over!
  5. Red looks embarassing and tacky...awful awful awful.
  6. Well my section 140 had boos accompanied by chants of you ****ing ****** cortese, then more boos, then **** off cortese.. this would lead me to conclude it was for cortese...
  7. Definitely boos in 140! Including this idiot couple behind me calling cortese a ****ing ****** and screaming it everytime he came on screen. In the end we turned round and told them to shut up and asked why he was and they replied "he just is" and we said well to be honest hes responsible for ML getting involved, hes brought good players to the club, a good manager and we've just won the JPT. To which they said he doesnt care about football only business. Well frankly hes always over here and is passionate so must do a little and secondly i couldnt give two if he doesnt, hes running it well, we're financially safe unlike most, would you rather be palace, bmth, pompey? If this is how well we do when we run it like a business long may it continue. If lambert doesnt provide and doesnt score pardew will be on his back, in the same way if pardew doesnt provide and we dont win cortese should be rightly on his back!
  8. cool. cheers. My email is fastandfoolish@hotmail.com Be easier to sort via email
  9. Any news on the tickets. Need two so would be a great help. Can meet you anywhere in southampton
  10. I'll take them both of your hands for 15 each?
  11. missed me out
  12. Prefered pos: Striker Secondary pos : Rm, Lm, or full back Common sounds all good for me
  13. More than happy to play. Can play anywhere on the wings or upfront
  14. I swear people are blind to both football rules and whats been posted numerous times. A player cannot play for more than two teams in one season, now considering he wouldnt be allowed to play for newcastle as hes already played for us and bristol rovers i think its safe to say newcastle never even considered him. So please lets all move on
  15. Last night was the most disappointed id felt after a saints game for a long time. Wotton is awful. God awful. The only reason he is on is because he constantly runs to pardew for little chats. All through the game his passes went missing, he got nowhere near tackles and at corners he'd duck then blame the bloke behind him. Thomas was like jekkyl and hyde, one minute cool controlled and authorative and then the next like bambi on ice. How lancashire made it as a pro is beyond me. Its one thing im noticing with out youth players is how tacticaly naive they are and how little basics they know. Everyone is taught and i do it at my club, dont turn inside, beat them down the wing. Man on calls to let someone know they have time rather than needlessy lumping it into the stands like ollie did! When a ball goes up in the air you attack the second ball and position yourself where you think your best placed to react, we as usual stand still and watch. Then pardews choice not to make a sub was laughable. I'll get behind the team as much as the next but that was last resort calling for a sub. And lo and behold it changed the game, theres a surprise. When those players get payed god knows how much a week and then i go to watch them forking out nearly a hundred quid and they then turn around and put in a performance without any creativity or urgency untill the last 5, i will boo them all day long because they've let me down bigtime. If i dont perform at work, i'd get put on report and pretty quickly booted out, its about time some of them suffered that hardship. Then on the journey home, stuck in traffic the police vans comes down sirens blazing with two minibuses behind it. The first one im sure had Nick Illingsworth in the front and the second was full of kids leaning out the windows laughing and swearing and shouting ******s! That was the final straw! Be a long time again before i go away and support the lazy ****ers! If they start to put the effort in then so shall i!
  16. There are so many "wrongs" in your post its laughable, and it makes me question if you have taken note of football or saints recently... The foxes went up last year easily and most of their players were older or young loans. While i agree people like thomson arent ready, people like spiderman and lallana are more than ready. Secondly kelvin has single handedly kept us competitive recently and his playing the ball out is more accurate than most keepers. The defenders you describe sound like ferdinand and vidic, good luck getting someone like that. Spending huge sums of money isnt the answer, it ruins clubs look at pompey atm we need loan signings and ambitious youngsters/seasoned pros but with youngsters they hardly wanna come to a club on minus 9 which face a battle nor will people in their twilight. We wont get baird, hes premiership, nor cork who didnt count us good enough when championship. Liebherr does not want to spank his money all over the place, if he wanted to do that he wouldve brought a prem team, like pompey that with a bit of selling could attract a world manager and world class players as they are in the premiership (think man city). He's doing it sensibly so we're self sufficient.
  17. Good Performance. Thomson scored another long range screamer and played well along with gobern and doble! AP there chatting with wilkins and constantly on his phone
  18. To be fair Euell was certainy good last year, battled, actually created a few chances and was one of only a few leaders on the pitch, however that just could be because the rest were crap! While im not overly dissapointed he's gone especially considering he was on around 8 thousand a week, its increasingly alarming how its 3 weeks to go and we're letting players leave left right and centre without any replacements, bar murty. The squad in previous friendlies looked paper thin, it needs to be boosted
  19. Guys, you'll easily all get tickets. No way bmth will set out and they'll quite easily move the net up if they need more saints fans in. If not all by for the east stand and just congregate near the away barrier
  20. By Far the worst side! C'mon we're the billionaires club now, stuff bournemouth lets all go to sandbanks beforehand!
  21. Few words of advice. Firstly go to the right side of the beach its nicer! Secondly bmth's ground isnt that close to the beach so you'll need to bus it
  22. In his defence to the post above, people moan that we havent heard from him, or dont know who he is, then when he comes out and speak we moan at him for being in the limelight, typical saints hey! Im concerned theres nothing on him, hes not on the rich list and the mentioned small turnover...could we be seeing a reason why hes quiet. Yet if he only has that turnover how did he afford the 500,000
  23. Two key points we're missing here. If anyone reads the bournemouth echo or takes an interest in bournemouth you will know a takeover was formally completed yesterday for the murray group. They were orginally not the preferred bidders and took the driving seat once the original consortium failed. The original consortium were accused of not having all the funds they boated of and its my understanding that they left a lot of empty promises. Its also my understanding that a certain Mr Jackson was involved in this. Now theres two ways you look at this. Either he has got genuine backers and they said hold on, pinnacle are struggling lets hold of bmth and wait for saints or they were just hoping one of the two clubs would be stupid enough to bite! Secondly pinnacles bid is hinging because they wont accept the leagues viewpoint. Now to be honest it seems like they have a very good case so theres no reason to back down, lets take the fight to the clearly incompetent football league who are in danger of becoming the new british speedway. Either we accept this or we have a new consortium come in who roll over and pander to the football league...i know which i'd prefer
  24. Trust me! Im 99% sure what ive been told is right.
  25. Press conference at 2.30pm May i suggest someone goes down and keeps an eye on st marys. Expect more from solent in the next half hour
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