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Everything posted by proevosaints

  1. A guy at work is a United ST holder as is his family. According to him a large number of supporters have been buying away tickets for years so are top of the queue for eligibility but sell 90% of them on (not necessarily for profit) but so they are always guaranteed tickets for big away games or away games local to them. (His family are one of the ones doing it so he is well aware of it). Since moving south he no longer attends home games or many aways but his father still uses his ST for others and to purchase every away game. What this has done is created a group that essentially have stopped everyone else getting tickets. Obviously that's not a problem for saints apart from the odd game but for a club like United it's clearly a problem. For around the last 6 months they've been carrying out spot checks and telling these fans that instead of tickets posted they must collect in person with ID. If someone genuinely can't go they must ring/email the club before the game. Obviously this is now flushing out a vast majority of their away support and allowing other supporters to earn their right to go. For me no issue with this - if you're genuinely attending the game then no issue collecting and taking ID. If you're not going why should someone get a ticket just because they know you - much rather it goes to the next in line who deserve it.
  2. I think you'll be fine to at least tomorrow. I got some this morning and was around the 2500 mark. Club told me yesterday that would be safe to buy a ticket at any point today and not to rush (implying that no way it can sell out today) I reckon it has 2 more days in it. Still seats on flights to Milan and others such as Turin. Only c10-12 realistic flights per day so assuming 75% saints fans then that's about 2500 that can fly wed and 2500 that can fly thurs. Club also told me they've not had any info or heard anything re inter trying to give us more tickets
  3. Thanks. Sounds fairly simple. Am I right in thinking best option from Billund airport to herning is the train? Looks like it's one stop from give st to herning and takes around an hour?
  4. I'm flying into Billund from Stanstead (on the 7.30am flight) tomorrow before staying at Hotel Herning. Anyone have any idea of the quickest way to get to the ticket collection and then onto the hotel?
  5. Anyone still looking for tickets? I have two in the home end if anyone's interested?
  6. I know someone still looking for 2. Can you email me on tpwjohnson@gmail.com
  7. In there as well although looks more hostel than hotel
  8. Have you still got these available? If so I'll take two. Happy to discuss over email tpwjohnson@gmail.com
  9. I'm a bit late to the party but if anyone not using their ST to buy tickets I'll happily snap them up
  10. Thanks Trousers. I'll be tweeting stuff throughout on @tomandrobcycle so will post any snippets. bring on 3pm saturday
  11. Haha thats high on my Agenda - should hopefully by the sounds of things get a fair bit of time with him. Our route into Villa on day 2 is pretty direct and main roads so keep an eye out for all 29 of us
  12. Im doing the cycle next week. That tends to be my main line of thought for what to say. That and not to sell!! if anyone fancies sponsoring me feel free http://www.justgiving.com/TomandRobsBikeRide thanks
  13. If anyone has one spare please let me know on t_johnson.saints.archersroad@live.co.uk or 07837989715
  14. I would be keen on a ticket if any spare. Can pick up from southampton or surrounding area. Plans have changed and can now go to the game. Want to keep up my 100% away record this season
  15. Steve have you emailed anything as haven't received anything?
  16. Steve -best to email me on my work address Tom.johnson@matchtech.com cheers
  17. My name is Tom Johnson... Positional wise I can play anywhere along the midfield
  18. Whats the point of having a white away kit if we never wear it?? Ridiculous decision equally not to have the yellow on sale!!
  19. Can we try realising he isn't a left back and has played predominantly in midfield
  20. What a fantastic night. Every single person there was brilliant. Had the pleasure of chatting to cortese and nigel and the chance to thank rickie. Lord M very boring even people talking through it. Graham poll in contrast was superb!! Players all enjoying a drink, according to one sat with us vegas is now cancelled, and swiss tour is upcoming, although japan was muted. Got to have a jagerbomb with billy sharp who is brilliant and had the pleasure of a photo with a very hyper/drunk jack cork. All in all a top night, if youve never been well worth every penny !!
  21. Very excited for this! Will try post some photos or updates on twitter @teejjohnson12 during the night and any stories or photos i'll make sure to share on here. Food menu alone looks top!
  22. Met falque at ground today. Was there with dad and saints fitness coach having a look around . Seemed a nice lad
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