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Everything posted by ChicagoSaint

  1. Grew up watching every home game between 77 and 85. I would have to say it's a toss up between Mark Dennis and Frank Worthington. Dennis was psycho hard-as-nails and Worthington barely broke out of a walk but stroked passes all over the field - long slicked back hair, shirt untucked , don't give a **** champagne Charlie !! Will never forget both of them assisting Wallaces overhead kick against Liverpool. I'm going Psycho Mark Dennis.
  2. 3 weeks ? Feels like 3 years already ! Quite exhausting ?
  3. NBCs coverage really is exceptional. Hard to find any fault at all. The streaming HD on the website is always perfect too.
  4. Will have to go and cheer him on !! He could do well - its about his level
  5. The first seed has been sowed ! http://www.thefightingcock.co.uk/forum/threads/the-official-poch-out-thread.11846/
  6. Graziano Pelle: https://twitter.com/GPelle19
  7. Also watched the NBC feed and we definately drowned out YNWA with OWTSGMI until the last chorus. Also irked me that the Commentator automatically assumed that everyone watching on NBC was a Liverpool fan (some comment about West coast fans drinking black coffee with their Red Scarves) - i suppose 95% of them were though. Back to the topic. SRL is a legend but cheer him during warmups not during the game.
  8. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses The Killers - Hot Fuss AC/DC - Highway to Hell Primal Scream - Screamadelica Madness - One Step Beyond Fav Greatest Hits album ? - Journey .... (runs away in embarrassment)
  9. Probably not the time to apply a Hockey performance metric given the current scenario !
  10. Charlie George - Greenfingered
  11. Just because I have to"renounce all others" to become a US citizen doesnt mean I have to give up my British Citizenship or Passport.
  12. You do not have to give up your British passport if you become a US Citizen. You can also renew a British passport if you become a US Citizen. As long as the UK recognizes dual citizenship (which it does) there is no problem. The US has no say in whether i can keep it. I am likely going to become a US citizen for purely practical reasons (having to renew Greencard is a hassle, plus I would like to be able to vote). I will feel no less English because of it.
  13. Good post. Hope thats not the case as it ruin the game. Thats basically how the NBA runs their league. Its about the "Stars" not the teams and one of the reasons i have absolutely no interest in watching it. One set of rules for players such as LeBron James and a different set for the non-superstars.
  14. Graham Baker was a decent player his first spell.
  15. Olives for me. Used to hate them with a passion. Was cured by a night's drinking in Paris when they were served in a bowl as a snack. The more i drank, the more I ate and that was it. Also couldn't look at a tub of coleslaw as a kid without feeling sick. Love the stuff now (goes down a treat with a BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich).
  16. I can remember Animals Bars when i was a little kid - small bars of chocolate that had different animals etched into them. Anyone else remember Toffo's ? I always used to like the ones that came in different flavours in each pack.
  17. thanks for fixing me !
  18. What a busy day !
  19. Re Rallyboy's question, perhaps Chinny can lend the developer the money. That would keep his skin in the game.
  20. [QUOyboy;1553380]and we were thinking that it was the Trust who were the poor relations of the deal, looks like their £1M will buy them full control - of nothing in pa IF Robinson is potless, as a property developer I'm sure he can raise some funding for a deal that might net him a couple of million. I reckon he must have a few million squirreled away, but if he hasn't, what sort of person is likely to take a punt and lend him money at an alarming interest rate?.... Though that interest rate will rise a percent with every abusive comment in the courtroom corridors. The high court is definitely their second home now, could even be their first home soon. Has the nasty league restricted their support squad to 14? That is unfair. With all that's going on today I can see why they think we are all jealous.
  21. Live streaming in HD on the ESPN website for those in the US at work. Hopefully a significant improvement over vipstand or frontrowsports.
  22. Always happy to see the Packers lose but the manner in which it happened was appalling. The replacement referees are totally out of their depth in every single game. Did anyone see the play when the line ref threw his hat into the end zone right underneath Kevin Ogletrees feet when he was trying to catch one ?
  23. Tito's Handmade Vodka on the rocks, splash of water and 2 Jalapeno stuffed olives. Hits the spot !
  24. Our first dance song was "It must be love" by Madness
  25. Agree Leeds first game of the season. Set our stall out and never looked back.
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