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Everything posted by Challenger
I could have been having a pre fuck drink with an ex page 3 bird in a swanky bar now but I gave it a miss to stay home and watch this crap.
A corner worked back to the keeper, does this prick ever learn?
My great aunt lives in GY and is going to write to Lowe on Monday asking what he intends to do about the increasing amount of dog turds on the beach.
The country just couldn't go on like that any longer, we had to have a change and the only alternative was Labour. Let someone else have a go and judge them at the end of their term.
My wife chewing up the car,s alloy wheels on a petrol pump plinth and moaning that she's got unleaded all down her leg trying to fill on the opposite side of the fuel cap.
I've no reason to argue with your comments, but I find it hard to believe in this day and age that the average western Russian is oblivious to what's going on. Still not to worry, Trump says he's going to sort it all out soon.😀
Hope was that these grim statistics would have turned heads amongst the Russian population . Sad truth is, it appears not.
Will that be Boris, or are they making plans for Nigel ?
You can just imagine some underpaid junior doctor, just finishing a 72 hour shift, clad in useless ex COVID PPE about to probe an ill elephant,s arse with a stick.
Need to concentrate fully on getting a strong starting 11. Back up players = tomorrows dead wood / put out on loan / how can we cut our losses / he can sod off for free, scenarios.
I would rather have Morning wood .
How much is this bearded negative loser getting paid ?
You can imagine the WAGS excitedly sat in the stands with the " on the beach" website already up on their phones.
The return of Michael Foot and Maggie Thatcher.
Have been gathering up all the propaganda leaflets shoved through my letterbox from both major parties and from ones I'd never heard of. Decided this morning to read them all as if I was not from this country and had no idea of what's gone before, just to see what policies appeal. Apart from and Idea to introduce a 99p coin, the Loons came out on top.
A message to all pubs and supermarkets. Flog your beer and burgers as quick as you can, can't see this lot lasting much longer.
Not sure whether to watch the second half or tackle that baked-on bird shit on the car windscreen.
I once worked for a company which announced it was intending to redecorate the canteen,the choice of colour was either to be lemon or blue. Everyone was totally indifferent to either until a rather dislikeable, gobby member of staff piped up with the comment that it would have to be blue as lemon was a "poof colour". That made everyone else's mind up and for weeks later the whole site was festooned with graffiti, banners and various other notices all displaying the same simple message, " Vote Lemon ! "
Let's be honest, that was a dire team that played dire football.
Ha, ha it must be my wishful thinking wanting to get an extra two days entertainment on here !
Hi , apologies for the late reply as I was out of posts, I don't consider even a few quid worth it just to argue that bit more on here. Anyway to your question, yes I am one and the same . So can you trust me on what I say ? I ask that because that's the same dilemma you will have on July 4th , stood in the polling booth with that pencil in your hand. Could be a thick cunt on my political views, a thick cunt on thinking a forum poll is anonymous, a liar, hypocrite or just someone that would ( successfully ) invoke a reaction amongst a few people who don't appear to have much else in life other than insist their views are accepted on this forum . Anyway, be it politics, angling or just getting a reaction, remember just get the right bait in the right place at the right time and you're sure to get a bite. Do you know Farage is a keen angler ?
No, I choose to vote for NONE of them. You are so eager to throw in an aggressive retort, you can't even bother to read the comment properly and insinuate others are thick cunts . Jesus.
Has anyone got any idea what they are going to " get " with any of the others ? I personally for the first time in my life don't think any party is worth a fuck in this election.
Labour will win with a large majority SNP will win the Scottish vote with a large majority, Swinney will immediately squinney that it's a mandate for an independence vote. Abbot, Corbyn Farage and maybe even Galloway will win their seats and will get a disproportionate amount of media coverage as if they are Prime ministers in waiting. NI will continue it's divided way and Wales will still have a leadership that nobody can remember. Sunak insists on staying on as Tory leader in order to win the following election, but will not last until then. Very little, if anything will improve.
Anything half decent in the knockouts and this lot are cooked.