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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. Don't forget Tin Man, Capt Sparrow and the Torpedo.
  2. Does he have real problems apart from reading unagreable posts on a football forum ?
  3. Whereas you can only really hope to cease being an obnoxious cunt at some point in your life. My posts have received both positive and negative responses,some of the negative ones were quite blunt but the comments were backed up with evidence that the poster believed would support their side of the argument. No problem with this,fine just what these platforms are all about. Not you though,no as soon as I saw that you had responded,it was obvious that your comment would be an infantile,abusive and pathetically intimidating rant. I was once part of a research study into people such as yourself with personality / behavioural flaws, in most cases this was down to an unpleasant event occurring in their earlier life. Why do you bring upon yourself further stress and hurt into your life by going out of your way creating arguments and making enemies on a football forum ? I have no intention of either reading or replying to the inevitable , twisted response that you will send out in reply to this. As such I will grant you the honour of having the last word,which people such as yourself crave as being most precious, and if denied would result in loss of sleep.
  4. SR had absolutely no idea what was required to keep the club in the Prem last season, and I am seeing no evidence so far that they have any idea what's required to get back there. I'm quite happy to be proved wrong, but I'm not convinced.
  5. Had no idea what's going on and no control over it was his response yesterday.
  6. It's 20M now as they're desperate.
  7. Relax, SR won't make the same mistakes as they did last season regarding recruitment.
  8. Probably because the manager has not got a clue and has no control over it,apparently.
  9. SR will probably accept it , after all player profits are their objective.
  10. Ted MacDougall ?
  11. I didn't expect anything different to be honest. The bloated squad will be addressed by selling the better players and we will be left with the deadwood and some loans. Prove me wrong Saints,but I'm not convinced.
  12. Thought Saints had bought a player for a minute. My mistake.
  13. In that case, watch Leicester get him.
  14. Fair point, however no GK or strikers on that list.
  15. Whatever the outcome for Saints this season, it will be enjoyable away from the Premier cesspit.
  16. Whenever I hear a brass band I imagine a depressing,wet, smokey northern town still having gas lights and tram lines in the street.
  17. I wish they would all hurry up. The rubber panties I put on last week to stop me pissing myself are beginning to chaff.
  18. Ditch the funeral dirge and get in some Ra Ra girls.
  19. If the manager and owners do not know what's fit for purpose and what's not after that, they NEVER will.
  20. Abject naivety by those running this club.
  21. Remember attending a game at the Dell in the 70,s with a group of fellow schoolmates. Saints were playing Notts Forest and we arrived early and took up a position at the back of the Milton. Forest had in their ranks at that time Kenny Burns,and uncompromising, hate figure of a player. When the Forest players walked on to the pitch in their suits to get a feel of the playing conditions, we decided it would be fun to bait Burns. We sang the ditty " Kenny,Kenny, Kenny Burns, Kenny Burns,over there.Oh wank, wank,wank" all accompanied by the hand gestures. Even allowing for the sparsely filled terrace,we did not expect him to hear. He did. With a scowl he reared around and quickly located the source of the abuse and moved towards the nearest part of the pitch to the now silent and terrified youngsters. After a pause his face broke into a grin and he blew us a kiss. We cheered and applauded the now popular player,glad to have survived the incident without harm.
  22. Can't we at least try for 51M provided they take some of our deadwood?
  23. Like the money is coming out of his own pocket ( or from his benefits more like),turd.
  24. The words Liverpool, dignity and class are not normally used together in the same sentence.
  25. The bed shitting will kick in when the decent players are sold,time runs out on getting replacements and we're left with the team that was fielded last night.
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