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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. Naivety?
  2. RM was the desired choice of the owners so , ultimately he's now their problem.
  3. Don't boo it's not pleasent, come to think of it neither is the football.
  4. Need to get real, this brand of football is going to fall well,well short.
  5. Let's be honest there is nothing about this club, manager included that is geared up for success. We just need to get used to it.
  6. Because they are naive.
  7. If you were pissed in the pub and this question was mooted then may be. But in the cold light of day, nowhere near it.
  8. After a Guinness and vindaloo supper.
  9. Stoke have ditched a defender but the ball won't be in their half much from now on, will it?
  10. He seemed a lot better when Tella was on the pitch with him. Reverted back to normal after his departure.
  11. All the signs are there.
  12. It will take more than losing the next two games before the gimps running this club to pull the trigger. Unfortunately.
  13. I think it is just a case of naivety, however to continue in this manner may signify something else.
  14. Had enough "rings" managing this club recently as it is.
  15. A man walks into his local pub, been drinking there for years spending a fortune but the place has recently been taken over. He orders his usual pint but when it arrives its a flat,short measure,comes in a dirty glass and the price has gone up. Not happy but he drinks it anyway because it's always been his local . Following week and he again gets served slops but doesn't want to make a fuss. Week after week,month after month,year after year this continues until he's had enough and tells the landlord he's not coming again next week. That's a shame says the landlord, I was planning to lay on a brass band and a lightshow.
  16. You are rapidly running out of any half-decent players to make a profit on. Soon your revenue stream with take a hit with declining gate income. Have a little think about your piss poor ' product ' and try and improve it while you still can.
  17. When a stranger asks me who I support, I now say that I don't follow football, it's just not worth the grief anymore.
  18. At what point does someone with the authority to do something call an end to this farce?
  19. " Have you any footballing nous whatsoever" would be a good starting question.
  20. SR nothing but a cork in the arse of progress.
  21. SR will wait until February so the departing manager will get the chance to waste more money on dross in the January transfer window. It's what they like to do.
  22. Heading only one way with this lot at the helm. Going to have to get used to it as they never seem to learn.
  23. Then they really, really need to stop making the same mistakes over and over again.
  24. Never EVER going to learn.
  25. England revert to "sloth ball" and hand the initiative to the opposition.
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