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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. And some mugs still think these brittle bottlers can win though the playoffs. Not a cat in hells chance. SR, for Christ sake next season buy a fucking striker and a goalkeeper.
  2. Like always, gross naivity.
  3. Gone to complete rat shit now, as per the predictable script. Not sure what he says at half time but it's totally destructive.
  4. I am afraid he missed it.
  5. And in the traditional, time honoured way it comes to pass. The outfit that NEVER, EVER learn. Naivity runs though this lot like words within a stick of rock.
  6. Game following an all too familiar pattern thus far.
  7. Saw the title and expected to see a gallery of female Pompey supporters. Still underwhelmed in a way.
  8. Not sure about mum's, but I believe the love child of Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott regularly posts rants on here.
  9. Consider yourself lucky only to have to listen to it for 90 minutes, I've had it put up with it for over 35 years.
  10. Yep, not sure what to expect from Boro but they will pretty much know what to expect from Saints.
  11. Jesus, do people honestly make a living knocking out crap like this ?
  12. I suppose being a Saints fan helped him cope with the stress of that flight. RIP.
  13. Looks like this urine stain episode is never going to be erased.
  14. They will be massive distraction to us in what will probably be another choke season.
  15. No FA klopp final, disappointing that.
  16. Jack is like that faithful old sheepdog that really can't do it's job anymore. Time to back the Land Rover over it.
  17. Minimalist team.
  18. We need so many chances to score a goal, whatever the opposition, they need so few.
  19. Must be for a bet, can't think of any other reason. Good portent for the playoffs this.
  20. Maybe one year we will buy one. Pretty but ultimately ineffectual football without.
  21. Can't question his achievements, but I personally can't wait to see the back of his gurning mug.
  22. I'm really excited about Wednesday, so I think it's starting to work.
  23. Getting destroyed more than Katie Price's minge, more like.
  24. Teams are more competent as they know exactly what they are going to face.
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