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Fuengirola Saint

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Everything posted by Fuengirola Saint

  1. Well said! This is the problem with British capitalism, it is always the short term quick buck option they go for. Why for example has Germany with powerful trade unions and higher labour costs got such a good manufacturing base compared to ours? INVESTMENT, not only in plant but in people as well.
  2. It depends which way you look at things, for me, the country the Conservatives inherited in 1979 wasn't that bad,for example inflation had fallen to 8.9% from 28.9% ( which imo was caused by the oil crisis and the Barber boom ) unemployment falling after rising to stratospheric level of 1.8 million. ;-) Then we all know what happened after that don't we?
  3. No it wasn't, the council tax is just the rates but more expensive for working or middle class people
  4. Of course some will be worse off than others but you don't exacerbate the problem by lowering taxes for the rich
  5. I wouldn't have called the Poll Tax riots a failure, it was abolished
  6. He is a Tory, what do you expect?
  7. Sorry mate but England are never more important than Saints, they are just a bunch of overpaid prima donnas who will more than likely **** it up tonight.
  8. Of course they would seeing as the top rate is 50% :-/
  9. Well if thats the case,it´s a sad state of of affairs for Britain and it´s blatantly obvious that the country didn´t want a "traditional" Tory party either! If they couldn´t get a stomping majority over an unpopular government and even more unpopular PM they don´t stand a chance of ever getting that majority
  10. It just goes to prove, you can never judge a book by its cover, I am in agreement with you 100%, not sure how long it will last though :-)
  11. Because it may have been Labour in name but in reality it was just another in a long line of right wing governments,although there were a few bright spots, e.g minimum wage etc
  12. Thats the problem the ****s don´t even want to pay that, whereas you or i would be hauled in front of the beak if we tried to avoid tax
  13. Exactly, you have to be some kind of muppet if you believe all that trickle down ****e
  14. The simple solution is for government to close tax loopholes, they should be able to do it or is it a case of not wanting to!
  15. Fair point, but why do they seem to have an aversion to paying their fair share in taxation, its not as if they are a bit short is it?
  16. I found this whilst reading a newspaper online In 2007, Grant Thornton, an accountancy firm, calculated that the UK's 54 billionaires paid income tax totalling just £14.7M on combined wealth of £126Bn. Can anyone defend this? Before anyone whines "That is their wealth not income" I know that but nobody can tell me that they earned on average only 600,000 pounds that year
  17. We are only in Afghanistan for one reason and it´s not the Taliban, it´s to keep an eye on Pakistan( this is where most of Al-Qaeda and the like come from ) because if Pakistan wasn´t a nuclear power we would have invaded it by now.
  18. Gone right off him now ;-)
  19. Paperclip shuffler must be a really easy job because we now have more of them{paperclip shufflers} but use less paperclips because of computers,where do i apply and how much annual holiday? :-)
  20. So only 250 billion in guarantees then? So 600 billion spent then? That means then 500 billion before the crunch, in debt and 3-400 billion after if you discount all the spending on the banks, so we actually had a lower debt after the credit crunch if as i said you don´t include bail outs. Also are you saying that the last government did well in buying those shares then?
  21. sorry typo both billions
  22. Correct me if i´m wrong but didn´t the government have to spend around 800 million pounds bailing out the banks? If so the debt went from 500 to 900 billion even after the government had to spend 800 billion on the bail out,so to me it seems they didn´t do too badly did they?
  23. Is it Labours fault that there will be spending cuts in Spain, Italy, France, Ireland,Greece and countless other countries? Get a grip you´re beginning to sound like a broken record.I´m sure someone is pulling your strings because at the beginning of the election campaign you came across as quite naive and suddenly you sound like Conservative Party election broadcast.
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