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Fuengirola Saint

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Everything posted by Fuengirola Saint

  1. I tried to post last night but it said i'd run out of posts( i thought i had one more as well, i even wrote it all out to be told i couldn't post ) I will answer your question 1, Tony Blair was just a vain self centered ***** who fooled a lot of people, me included. I think he is a war criminal because if the press knew that the weapons dossier was stolen from a students essay so did the government and MI5, therefore he went to war for a neoliberal agenda of privatising Iraq's oil,in my opinion . Gordon Brown was just somebody who desperately wanted to be PM but was not really cut out for the job, But the main difference at least between GB and Thatch was that GB did things , whether you agree with them or not because he thought them the right things to do, whereas Thatch was just plain evil. It was an ideological crusade with her, revenge for the humiliating defeat in 1974 of Heath government. Laying waste to great swathes of this country( Labour voting Great swathes ) and her ideological friedmanesque experiment with this country which enriched many of her party's donors and friends. That is only my humble opinion. I have a question for any working class Tory, Do you ever get the feeling that the boys of the Bullingdon club are ****ing themselves laughing when you are doffing your caps to them by repeating their mantra that " if we tax the banks and financial institutions fairly " they will leave Britain?
  2. What the f u c k was that all about? :-/ I don't remember saying that TB and GB were great, in fact i thought/ think they are a pair of shysters like most career politicians but however bad they were they weren't half as bad as that **** Thatcher! I reckon Gideon could go down in the annals as something akin to Thatch in a few years as well. One final thing, Well done to the French, at least you've got a pair and will stand up to the neoliberal gits
  3. Same here mate, that is gonna be a big un
  4. I reckon i have found the solution to cutting the deficit A 2 per cent Wealth Tax on the richest 10 per cent of the population would raise £78 billion in just one year —almost the equivalent of the CSR measures (£83 billion) over four years. * A one-off 20 per cent windfall tax on the super- profits of banking, energy, retail, arms and drug monopolies this year would raise £16 billion. * Closing the tax havens under British jurisdiction and clamping down on tax dodgers would bring in around £70 billion each year. * A 'Robin Hood' tax on City transactions would raise £30 billion a year. not bad eh?
  5. An Eminent professor along with a civil service study concluded that 6 million people in this county own FOUR THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED BILLION POUNDS of the nations wealth. Let them pay the deficit.
  6. You're going to Morocco for beer and women? Me thinks you have chosen the wrong country ;-)
  7. Why do people just lie to back up their arguments? I only have 3 posts so can't get into a big debate but its obvious you either made this statement up or were grossly misinformed. With the other argument that the banks would leave if we raised their taxes to a fair level thyey would leave, well i say let em leave then nationalise all of their branches and offices here without compensation and finally get off our backsides as a country and diversify our economy into other industries i.e: I.T, blue chip industries and quality made products that the chinese can't make. The Germans and Japanese can do it so can we.
  8. I went about 10 yrs ago and we ended up having a beer with the Estonian football team, they all said it was Marian Pahars fault that they lost to Latvia in the Baltic cup. I remember in one underground bar at about 4 in the morning we paid 1.20 GBP for two pints and a whisky, but as i say it was 10 yrs ago
  9. As you say about Tax avoidance/evasion, aren't the figures for tax evasion 120 biliion pounds and 1.5 billion pounds for benefit fraud? I saw in the Guardian yesterday that the HMRC let Vodafone off a tax bill of 6 billion if they paid 800,000 up front and then 450,000 over 3 yrs i think, the head of Vodafone's tax dept worked with the head of HMRC at revenue and customs previously :-0 ( This has nothing to do with the Tories i hasten to add as it happened from 2007, its about the incompetence or corruption in high places. THIS IS WHAT WE HAVE TO STOP
  10. Bob Crow's union wouldn't have voted as they are not affiliated to the Labour Party, you really must do better
  11. I reckon you'll find that he knew he couldn't publish a manifesto without a comprehensive health service included or Labour would have won an even bigger landslide. We all know that the idea of an all encompassing health service was the idea of Labour's William Beveridge wasn't it?
  12. I hate that cvunt Thatcher, Cvnt cvnt cvnt!
  13. What he said!
  14. As Dave Benson Philips puts it so succinctly, there are too many Jester hat wearing mongs on here.
  15. Here in Spain employers pay social security contributions as well, i know i was an employer, not sure what it is in England but here it was 170€ a month for a part timer
  16. ****in let the footballers **** off to Spain ( or come here to Spain ;-) ) They earn far far too much, i'ts obscene 100,000 GBP a week? I've heard many a Saints fan comment how much more they are enjoying football down here in league one than before in the Premier league watching the preening tossers like Lampard, Terry and Beckham..
  17. I would always support Saints over Málaga, they are in La Primera at the moment and just got a rich sheik in as owner, it seems his business dealings are a bit shady as well.I hope they don't go down the same road as the Skates
  18. Probably still in Spain you numpty, not sure how if the capitalist system didn't exist i wouldn't be able to live in Spain, care to enlighten me?
  19. Has anyone seen this film? If so what do you think of the part where it transpires that American companies are taking life insurance policies out on their employees and cashing in if they die. The families get nothing, a memo from citibank ( i think ) said that not enough employees were dying for the company to realize high enough gains from the policies. Another part of the film mentioned in a leaked Citicorp memo that the USA, UK and Canada were no longer democracies but plutonomies ( Economies controlled by the very wealthy ) and the thing that they weren't too happy about is that it is still one man one vote. NB Please leave this post here because i want the content i have mentioned discussed, not the film itself.
  20. Has anyone seen this film? If so what do you think of the part where it transpires that American companies are taking life insurance policies out on their employees and cashing in if they die. The families get nothing, a memo from citibank ( i think ) said that not enough employees were dying for the company to realize high enough gains from the policies. Another part of the film mentioned in a leaked Citicorp memo that the USA, UK and Canada were no longer democracies but plutonomies ( Economies controlled by the very wealthy ) and the thing that they weren't too happy about was that it was still one man one vote :-0
  21. Another point about Mr Green, how can a man who spends £5million on his 50th birthday party lecture the rest of the country on waste and efficiency?
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