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Fuengirola Saint

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Everything posted by Fuengirola Saint

  1. If you were worried about losing your job then maybe you would have thought twice about buying said magazine because you would have had better things to spend your money on. Didn't you read my reply to you? It's all about confidence, if there were many less people worried about losing their job then confidence would be higher, it has nothing to do with what government is in power it's what they do when they are there. C'mon promise me you'll buck up
  2. Yes it would have prevented this possible double dip because Labour had a plan to halve the deficit in 5 years not cut it all, therefore some confidence would have remained in the fragile economy.
  3. Did you hear that interview on Radio 5? Georgie Porgie Came across as a complete mong, did you hear him mention the weather about 20 times in 5 minutes? I really believe that this government actually think that if they say something enough times it will become true. God help you all!
  4. In my Communist world i'd have all snobs put up against the wall ;-) I'm not sure that TLS was being a snob as such, just pointing out to our resident fascist that maybe he would know a bit more about history seeing as he has a degree in said subject.Dune is bonkers though isn't he? I know he is a fellow right winger but you must be able to see that.
  5. At the end of the day Dune is a ****ing nutter though isn't he? I'm sure we can all agree on that.
  6. I think quite a lot of them voted for the Liberal Democratsas shown in the 2005 result, Labour's majority being slashed. Anyway no self respecting liberal on the centre left or left would vote for the Conservatives would they?
  7. If you look at the figures, tax take went up under Thatcher but tax take as a percentage of GDP also went up from 40.1 in 78-79 to 45.4 in 81-82 so overall she didn't reduce taxes but raised them overall using regressive indirect taxation.
  8. Hablas Español? De donde has aprendido este idioma? Creo que hubiera mucho mejor si aprendimos por lo menos un idioma otra que nuestro
  9. The greedy ****s would still try and avoid the taxes, taxes are only for the little people, thats how it goes isn't it?
  10. And it's probably exponentially more expensive as well, in 1986 you had had 7 years of Thatcher and her cohorts wreaking havoc on the railway system.
  11. What like railway privatisation?
  12. Well it's obvious you're a Knob head like him as well isn't it? Learn to ****ing spell as well you illiterate fool
  13. So if you get knocked over or have an accident, we'll tell the NHS abulance to **** off cos you've got private health cover, yes?
  14. Actually Council houses were being sold under the previous Labour Government, but at least they continued to build them, that rancid witch Thatcher was very clever selling council houses. She knew if people had a mortgage they were much less likely to strike. There is nothing wrong with right to buy but you have to build at least the same amount of homes to replace the ones sold otherwise it distorts the market as we have seen in the last 30 years. I remember an episode of The Good Life i saw in which Gerry was complaining that he earned 8,000 a year and that his house was worth 25,000. I imagine someone in his position now would earn about 60-70,000 but the house would be worth near on 1,000,000, so instead of being 4 times his salary in the 70's it's now over 10 times, now that is the problem with the housing market
  15. Leave the students just kill the Tories ;-)
  16. Me in " I agree with Dune shocker " But in all seriousness i thought he was quite funny as well
  17. Is Dibden Purlieu Saint a complete **** who needs a slap? Discuss
  18. As i pointed out to somebody else i was talking about people who vote Tory, so could you please read the thread properly and answer my question in a constructive manner or ****in do one you muppet
  19. I wasn't talking about the Conservative government, thats obvious, i was talking about people who vote Tory, i wasn't trying to be offensive either, just trying to se what makes em tick.
  20. Who do we blame then for the global recession? Mr Brown, Frau Merkal, Mr Bush, Snr Zapatero, Msr Sarkozy,Г-н Путин ( Mr Putin ) or the financial institutions that gambled recklessly on an unsustainable property price boom.
  21. Are Tories just greedy or is there something else there that motivates them? I can guarantee that if this government survives the five years there will be big tax cuts just before the next election because this is the reason they have cut so hard and deep now. When Georgie Porgy offers the tax cuts there will be people saying "**** the unemployed i'm voting for a 2% income tax cut" like they did in the 80's.
  22. http://www.robinhoodtax.org.uk/how-it-works/everything-you-need-to-know Here's some info, not sure what you'll make of it, re your question, i don't see how a tax of 0.05% would cause financial collapse and war but if it did i would obviously be against it. At least you were big enough to say that you would support it, just waiting for the others now
  23. Still nobody wants to comment? I'll put it up again for Johnny,Dune ( Stanley ) Whitey Grandad and the rest of the Derechistas
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