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Fuengirola Saint

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Everything posted by Fuengirola Saint

  1. All we have to do is make sure everybody and i mean everybody ( footballers, corporations, tv stars, business men, royalty, The aristocracy and anyone else you can think of ) Pays the correct amount of tax on what they earn! Nada mas.
  2. With all due respect that has absolutely nothing to do with what i was saying, so what do we do then? Enlighten me. Do we engage in a race to the bottom? Lower wages to Asian levels, eliminate all employment rights, return to the sweated labour system of Victorian England OR Take control of the money supply by nationalising all banking not just bust banks, state control of the creation of money, taking it away from private banks, closing all tax evasion/avoidance loopholes, introducing legislation requiring that CEOs can only earn 15 times more than the lowest paid worker in the company, Introduce legislation guaranteeing full employment ( it's the states responsibility to govern for the whole country not just some of them ) A return to the mixed economy system that served us so well from 1945 till the oil crisis in the early seventies. A land value tax introduced, you cannot put land in a tax haven. The reason for the unemployment disaster in Spain is the neo liberal models failure, it just doesn't work, you will never have full employment under this system, it's impossible.
  3. You sound like that old Tart Ruth Lea from the Institute of Directors, when asked on Question Time back in the 90's, " Do you think it's right that people should have to work for 2.50 an hour? " she replied " They should be thankful they have a job " Total **** she was.
  4. I bet you think the minimum wage is too high and an impediment to job creation as well don't you? Why do business owners whine so much? If it's too much bother why don't they just get a normal job like everyone else and let someone else take the hassle ?
  5. The Vine, Arroyo De La Miel, Benalmádena
  6. I keep meaning to ask you, do you know someone called Paul Temperley? He's my mates cousin and i'm sure he lived or lives in Hurworth.
  7. Exactly, i think it made that dads day more than the little nippers.
  8. Who cares, this lot are shooting themselves in the foot with such alarming regularity, it's surely going to blow up in thier faces soon:-))
  9. And on UHF 625 lines
  10. Ignore post above, didn't see your reply further down the page
  11. You just said your mum moved away and bought a house in a private area
  12. I've just seen Paul Allens yacht in Málaga port, does that mean he's going to buy Málaga CF? ;-)
  13. Spains anthem is good no words at all, better still no doffing caps to a family on benefits ;-)
  14. The original post was about whether Osborne is a slimy,lying Sh**bag or not, not about Labour did this and Labour did that, covering up the fact that the party you support are part of the most inept and spiteful government ever. I'll ask again do yo think Osborne is a liar? As it happens I think the New Labour project was one of the worst ever political experiments only put in place to facilitate the enrichment of a few career politicians.
  15. I'm a bit confused with what George Osborne said today re the bonus for RBS chief Stephen Hester's bonus. George Osborne says that he can't just change the bonus contract signed by the last government, If that's the case how come he was able to change the contracts signed under the last government of millions of public sector workers last year. does anybody think he's lying? ;-)
  16. Jesus Christ, How can a Tory call anyone selfish? It's their default setting, chunts the lot of em!
  17. You don't honestly believe that was a mistake on the British governments part do you?
  18. I didn't say I was offended by what he said, I just reckon he is a t w a t
  19. I'm sorry but anyone who finds Clarkson funny is as big a chunt as he is! That is all.
  20. I was there, I went with my brother and remember him saying let's go a bit earlier to get a parking space :-/
  21. I'm sorry but I'm quite frankly shocked at how many of you failed the test, and I say that knowing a few of you are quite switched on. Not being a swell head but I found it not the most challenging of tests.
  22. Don't say that! I'm not coming back to that Friedmanite test tube.
  23. You're a ****in Tory that's what wrong with you!
  24. Dune would never be right, he's a ****in loon! I imagine the 20 people bleating about it are paying 50% above 150,000, the government in Spain are not Socialists they are just called that!
  25. The Polish PCSO is a citizen of the European Union therefore is entitled to her position as a PCSO, HTH
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