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Fuengirola Saint

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Everything posted by Fuengirola Saint

  1. Milburn never introduced PFI, it was introduced by the Conservative government of John Major
  2. He still plays for Hungary
  3. Anyone who is a capitalist ( or Tory ) and not rich is quite frankly in my opinion a spanner.
  4. Do you honestly believe this ?
  5. Cheers mate , might have to watch on me phone :-(
  6. What it says on the tin really, can anyone tell me if Saints game is on the Red Button on Sky Sports ? Cheers
  7. We print our own money, 375 billion so far
  8. Yeah, i saw that ,what a chunt
  9. Totally right, I can speak Spanish but I wouldn't be that confident doing a press conference, It's as you say ,No es la ciencia de los cohetes ;-)
  10. Isn't it called Puerto Rico ?
  11. In the Spanish press there's a different take on it, It says Adkins was sacked after winning only two of his last 10 games ;-0 http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/1704939/0/pochettino/premier-league/southampton/
  12. A countries economy is not like a household, tell me how many households have their own central bank which can print new money at the flick of a switch. I wish people would stop parroting the infantile bull**** of this inept corrupt government.
  13. Mercadona Gel de afeitar, bargain at 0.89€ ;-)
  14. Thank god there is someone out there who can see this faux buffon for what he really is! C'mon people get your heads out of your a r s e s, he's laughing his cojones off at you lot fawning all over him.
  15. Jesus Christ! Look at the state of the bloke, Don't you think he deserved it?
  16. This! He is a chunt end off, he revells in his name Thrasher given to him by Tory MPs because he used to beat younger pupils at Rugby school, Total Scum, I'd have the idiot hanging from a lampost ;-) I can't believe the Tories on here defending him, I will say this only once, He thinks you are all plebs as well, to him you are a piece of s h i t on his shoe
  17. You just don't get it do you? Yes he should be assaulted, if he is in our end making a **** of himself, then yes he should take a slap in my honest opinion
  18. Once in Benidorm about 15 yrs ago, we came back from drinking about 6-30 am and were obviously a bit worse for wear. Every sun bed had a towel on it, so my mate collected all the towels and put them all on one bed, one bloke even came down without saying a word and replaced his towel on his bed! We were in stitches, the hotel was full of British people by the way
  19. It's like the first 18 months of the coalition Government, every time a minister went on tv or radio, he would say we are clearing up the mess left behind by the last government,even if they weren't talking about the economy, it was cringeworthy. It was blatantly obvious they were told to parrot this by the pr dept, now they've moved on to the crisis in the euro zone :-\
  20. If you're in Fuengirola you ought to try El Jardìn, it's a Bulgarian owned bar, near Mercadona by the river close to Los Boliches, that does bottles of beer for €1,20, a pint for €1,50 ( €1,20 happy hour 4-7 i think ) and tapas for €1 and they're a good size too, two or three of those would constitute a good sized meal.
  21. I remember back in the 80's a girl i knew from Dagenham taking the rip out of us for saying innit in place of isn't it, she would have said ain't it, but i now hear people from London saying innit, we've always said it on the Waterside ;-)
  22. Sorry for plagiarising your post, i posted before seeing it, virtually word for word
  23. It's the plan B the he said he didn't need ;-)
  24. I doubt very much it's made in Thailand now, like most of these foreign beers it's probably made under licence in Luton or some other nondescript town but still retaining the premium price.
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