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Gloucester Saint

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  1. People voted for this - humanity rapidly going down the shitter. I know the Democrats are crap as well, but honestly https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4gzn48jwz2o
  2. You knew he meant Musk 😉 Not often Soggy and Hypo agree on something - it’s an annual event. Or perhaps less frequently like a solar eclipse.
  3. Hold the front page - are Soggy and Hypo agreeing on something?
  4. But then I wouldn’t want to interfere in another nation’s democracy in the first place. Whether I had the wealth to do so or not. Especially one that has built a successful state post-fascism over 80 years and doesn’t want to get dragged back into it. Absorbing the East and the migrant intakes 2010s plus reliance on Russian has not helped them but the AFD are like decapitating yourself when you’ve got a headache. What he did to the Law academic over his pay package was psychopathic as well https://www.reuters.com/legal/transactional/column-tesla-threatened-fire-law-firm-bid-block-musk-pay-critic-court-document-2024-05-13/ https://dealbreaker.com/2024/05/tesla-admits-to-bullying-law-firm-but-prefers-we-not-call-it-bullying
  5. I think Victor was off form/banned at the time, so it worked with one DM instead of the usual two short-term, halted a bad run. But long-term you concede your midfield with five unless it’s a very good midfield.
  6. It’ll only work for so long though, and he’s as popular as a turd in most of Europe, even more so than most unpopular Prime Ministers. And Tesla is tanking big time with it.
  7. Credibility for one, hard to argue that government should be run more like a business (a frequent theme with GOP voters) when you’ve needlessly run your own into the ground. Hasn’t stopped Trump I suppose…. Just a bit nuts, to say the least, making your fortune from EV and then climbing into bed with climate sceptics of the most extreme kind. But then he thinks Lowe would be a better Reform leader than Farage so his judgement might not be great. I’m no Farage fan but I think we saw enough 1996-09 to put Elon right on that one…
  8. Oh he’s worth a shitload more than anyone else, but his outbursts are wiping plenty off the market share and book value of his firms. X is a quarter of the size from when he bought it. If he just wants it as a playground and megaphone, dumping it afterwards, he’s succeeding. But from a business perspective it’s like SR turning a mid-table PL football club into the Champ relegation zone just to try a few philosophies. SR have been shite, we both agree on that, but I can’t think that was their original aim!
  9. With their fanbase…. Football fans are fickle as fuck though.
  10. It’s ok to be wrong sometimes, you are amongst fellow Saints fans.
  11. The Chinese certainly think it’s funny as they want to subsume the EV market https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2025/01/02/tesla-first-sales-drop-decade-leftwing-backlash-elon-musk/ and https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2025/01/05/tesla-is-now-fighting-for-its-future-elon-musk/#:~:text=For the first time in,start growing again very soon. Donny’s intended tariffs might not be helpful in the context. But the GOP and MAGA are salivating for them. X none too healthy either https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/fewer-people-using-elon-musks-x-struggles-keep-users-rcna144115 https://unherd.com/newsroom/two-years-in-elon-musks-x-is-a-fascinating-failure/ 75% of its value lost https://www.euronews.com/next/2024/10/01/x-has-lost-75-of-its-value-since-elon-musk-took-over Sports Republic esque recent performance.
  12. Nice words, but he’s saying ‘we can’t moderate or remove sex offenders, bots, racism, Putin operatives’ because it’ll eat into my profits and using the censorship excuse. Zuckerberg is completely concerned about that and a share of the White House good boy biscuits.🍪 Musk is losing sight of his core businesses, Zuckerberg never does. He’s unpleasant but a political weathervane. By the mid-terms he’ll swing away again if Trump is fucking up.
  13. Even they wouldn’t want them though, us joking aside, and who wants to pay what it would cost even if they did? The deal was them was for a tiny % of total migrants. Pure metaphor around ‘stop the boats’ which itself is a tiny % of a total illegal migration. They’re the dregs of humanity, no amount of cash to Rwanda is persuading their politicians import to them, if they offended again their politicians are hated and disgraced. Home Office got outpaced and outwitted sadly, so Pakistan holds the aces. If they were still Pakistani citizens, their government would have no choice, but their lawyers beat the Home Office by a few sickening days in 2018.
  14. The whole point of a conspiracy theory is that it’s so stupid and facile that disproving it is near impossible eg prove or disprove that the Democrats didn’t run a chain of fast food restaurants with paedophiles in the basements because it’s such a ludicrous theory in the first place. The issue that’s really underlying here is that successive governments and successive courts have been unable to get many of the grooming offenders out of the country. And unless Pakistan changes its mind, Cooper will be as powerless as Braverman, Patel and May despite the empty rhetoric. The crafty cunts who advised them to junk off their Pakistani nationalities days before the UK Home Office eventually took their British ones away means they are deemed stateless. That’s why they’ve been the 💩 that are hard to flush. Everyone wants them gone, politicians of all stripes, Whitehall, media and everyone in Rochdale. There’s no conspiracy, it’s international law, not even the ECHR. The UK needs to find carrots to encourage Pakistan to receive them, because the stick hasn’t worked over many years. It’ll cost money and other incentives of course. Chris Philip’s suggestion on restriction visas is thick as shit, even for him, what say we get another Hannah Foster case but this time involving Pakistan. What cooperation would we get then? Musk might understand key scientific principles but when it comes to relationships and negotiating with politicians and states, he’s miles out of his depth.
  15. Agreed, and true of Europe and the West more widely. We don’t like or want a winner take all society, we are a One Nation Conservative/Lib/Blue Labour electorate. Thatcher compromised pragmatically where she needed to eg NHS Safe with Us, didn’t privatise rail or Royal Mail. Polling backs this up too in Europe which Musk and the current GOP doesn’t understand but Trump does a little bit more with Scottish heritage https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/50844-who-do-europeans-want-to-win-the-2024-us-presidential-election
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