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Everything posted by DNB

  1. DNB


    That is fair and I appreciate that. My maiden speech was just meant to be some food for thought. A serving of information with a sprinkling of speculation in response to the age old question of “who is they?” that is often asked by people, myself included. Am I a shit chef? Possibly. Am I wrong? Maybe. Then again, does it matter much what we think or believe? surely, if it is true, the only thing that does matter in this debate is what these NGO Think Tanks (the apparent unelected authority on all worldly matters) think and believe? It’s all yet to be seen but I do feel the kitchen getting hotter around us.
  2. DNB


    What a lovely welcome, thank you very much.
  3. DNB


    I'll try harder next time
  4. DNB


    not against technology in of itself, that would be silly. it's the developers and the curators of the technology and information that I'm weary of.
  5. DNB


    Hello everyone, I have been browsing the forum for a number of years and stumbled across the off topic forum recently so I have decided to give my two pence piece on this subject as my first ever post haha Not picking on you egg, I just have not gone through the whole thread and wanted to address this idea of "they" as simple as possible because it can get complicated. apologies if it has been covered already, as I have said I have not been through the whole thread. I think the "they" that "conspiracy theorists" tend to refer to are the unelected global representative think tank groups e.g. World Economic Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, Rockefellers etc. that are partly funded and coordinated by the Bank for International Settlements/Central Banks and are the organisations that create certain policies to further an agenda. This then trickles down to the Distributers of certain policies by these Nongovernmental organisations e.g. UN, International Monetary Fund, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, World Health Organisation, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation etc. which in turn is fed down to National Governments and Scientific authorities to be implemented into said Nation justified on the basis that they are the authority. Of course then filtered through MSM, social media etc. Now as to why lockdown? To save Grandma? to crash the world economy? Maybe the implementation of a new global economy using novel technology? "The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world" - Klaus Shwaub (https://www.weforum.org/focus/the-great-reset).. The reason "conspiracy theorists" talk about the Great reset and Fourth Industrial Revolution is because it comes from the horses mouth, there's no conjecture. The only conjecture comes when you argue about what that looks like... urm... https://web.archive.org/web/20220818143555/https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/11/8-predictions-for-the-world-in-2030/ and https://www.facebook.com/worldeconomicforum/videos/10154159674886479/ "you'll own nothing and be happy" well.. who will own all the stuff? it's resource control. These powers don't particularly care about what the currency is or what the economy is doing, as they own/will own the resources. And now with the talk, and soon to be, implementation of CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies) https://www.weforum.org/impact/helping-central-banks-explore-and-innovate-with-blockchain/ (written in 2019) https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/the-digital-pound (Bank Of England) which before the Pandemic, no one would have accepted as there would be no reason to and add that with CBDC's, it will be a lot easier to turn off your buying power etc. if you don'y comply with the rules of the day. Drove up to Leeds to see Southampton play at the weekend? you went over your carbon allowance for the week. You should have taken the Train or Coach to help reduce your carbon footprint. No heating for you this week. It's hypothetical but I think it's possible based on "their" statements of intent. To me, it's quite clear that these "think tanks" have more of a grip than we understand. And why the lockstep? why do all these think tanks and organisations seem to sing from the same hymn sheet? Something called Technocracy, a social movement applied using the scientific method as a way of solving societal problems and was implemented in the fertile ground of China in the 70's by Zbigniew Brzezinski (he wrote a book on it https://www.amazon.com/Between-Two-Ages-Americas-Technetronic/dp/0313234981) with Rockefeller money and exists there today (https://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,165453,00.html an older article but still relevant). Technocracy bypasses government with the use of "experts" (who decides the experts?) within a given field (E.g. the WHO treaty https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-9550/) that will decide what actions will be taken in particular circumstances. It is being used as a model today, especially now that technology and data collection has caught up with the theory and is now under the guise of Sustainable Development as a blanket economic system in the west (https://www.undp.org/sustainable-development-goals). The goals in of themselves seem positive on the surface but the problems come in the attainment of the goals. I tried to keep this as concise as possible as its complicated but this is all out in the open. The agenda is not a secret. Then again It's hard to keep secrets in the age of information but it can be quite difficult to find and put some pieces together. I encourage you guys to just look around you and try to cast your mind back to pre-pandemic and what has changed already also with this post in mind; Cashless shops and restaurants, smart meters, 5g towers, closed down small businesses, cost of living crisis etc. We all suffered to varying degrees during the pandemic and post pandemic but whether you believe the actions taken were right or wrong, the reasons for it, in my humble opinion, are more nefarious than we were led to believe.
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