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Everything posted by guthrieintherain

  1. Been reported on our site by the site admin and they rarely post anything which is not accurate. Hopefully the compo will get resolved in the next 5 days which works in both clubs interests. Also regarding an earlier post of Martin working with no money for us. This was simply not true it's what he tried to have supporters believe but was not accurate. And we were amongs the top 8 clubs in the league re budgets. Martin cost us a play off place last season and was backed by the club.The club showed incredible patience with him after a run of 2 wins in 21 games. Sorry to merge topics but only allowed 3 posts a day Lol.
  2. As of yet we have not received any compensation. As we felt by accepting the lower amount we would be harming our claim to the full amount owed. Also justcto add unless agreement is reached inbthe next 5 days Martinbwill not be able to work for you as will be in breech of contract.
  3. Not at all just an honest opinion. Pretty happy how it's worked out for us we have gained a manager who has achieved more in 3 seasons than Russ did in 4. Has a higher win % plus he only cost us 500k and we received 1.25 million rising to 2 million if we win the arbitration case.
  4. I supported him whilst he was with us. But was pleased when he went he wanted to play the game in the right way but it was just to slow I longed for him to play with wingers. Wont miss him going on about his project either he may do well with you Cooper did at Forest and Potter at Brighton. But he won't get the time he had with you that we gave him.
  5. Swans fan in peace. I was excited when Russ was appointed with us 2 years ago. But quickly realised he could talk a good job but the football was pretty boring to be honest. Was slow and predictable and he never had a plan B. Opposition managers teams quickly realised if you press and close us down we would make mistakes. The pressure he put our keepers under was unfair and he was quick to blame others when things went wrong. Several players copped it and were frozen out of things. He nearly had the sack in March after 2 wins in 21. We then played our best football of the season and went unbeaten in 9 but the pressure was off then and we beat sides in the main who were struggling. So my summary is you have got a bang average manager who was lucky to get a job with us from MK and even luckier to get a job with you after 4 seasons where he has achieved nothing really. Good luck for next season.
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