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Stripey McStripe Shirt

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  1. Not a typo in sight. I'm impressed.
  2. Can't get 4G/5G or wi-fi in the work toilets. Had to take a shit at my desk to post this.
  3. Because the thread would be pointless then, wouldn't it? Obviously.
  4. This is clearly where the club are going wrong. We do have 'We march on', but I'm not sure that is really utilised in the way other clubs have. For example: Liverpool have 'You'll Never Walk Alone' Everton have 'Nil Satis, Nisi Optimum' Spurs have 'To dare is to do'. What should Saints have? We need something distinctive that will enhance our global brand across the world.
  5. Maybe they're just speaking quickly?
  6. Crikey, if this is what the forums like with just a 2% chance of annihilation, I dread to think what it'll be like if the odds shorten.
  7. Move over David Norris, there's a new meaningless equaliser that's been scored.
  8. I'm very sorry. Wasn't intending it to sound like a threat. Was just supposed to be your run of the mill witty retort about an asteroid ploughing into Earth.
  9. Or an asteroid to the face.
  10. Odds of it hitting Earth have just doubled to nearly 2.5% according to NASA. Doomed I tell you, doomed!
  11. Option 4. He's a bell end.
  12. Causing billions of pounds of improvements? LOL!
  13. We're potentially all buggered. What's everyone's plans before we all get annihilated? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cqx9dgpx98go
  14. We've won TWICE AS MANY GAMES as Derby did in their record season. 😇
  15. Erm.... anyone going to tell him...?
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