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Everything posted by saintalan

  1. http://www.whois.net/whois/pinnacleproperty.net
  2. so theoretically they could still get promoted?
  3. So what if a promoted or play off team went into Admin today?
  4. ...if you asked 100 UK Households who knew nothing about football to name a Household name in Football, there would be only ONE answer.
  5. thetrainline.com
  6. It was on about 10 mins ago, via newsreaders, not just the ticker.
  7. Perhaps its BransTon, we alway seem to be in a pickle anyway:-)) OK getting my coat!
  8. Agree, willing to effectively buy 2 now, just put the money in Escrow until they can legally be sold by any new owner. Whilst I am still backing the other pledge this seems like a sensible idea, and IIRC was mentioned (DubaiPhil?) a few weeks ago. Cheers
  9. IMHO that was one of Lowe's biggest mistakes. In any business in a situation like that you lose the good guys and the rest want to stay!
  10. Like the sentiment but better keep the current players, the youth team might show a bit of passion and upset the apple cart!
  11. Isn't the Trust redundant now? I thought its role was as a community of shareholders, so it effectively has no shares now. So are they just not like any other group morphing themselves in to a 'Save the Club' unit?
  12. Sh!t, can't remember whether I turned the gas off or not!
  13. If Barnsley dont lose on Tuesday and Forest win on Saturday (early ko) apart from making up a huge goal deficit we could be down without kicking another ball.
  14. Unfortunately more of them prefer to stand with their back to the crowd pointing to the name on the back of the shirt rather than facing them grabbing the shirt at the heart! Wherever we are next season I hope we can find a few of the latter. Alan
  15. Remember Blackpool v Forest this Saturday is an early KO
  16. Well done, Nigel. Can Mods please sen this thread to Leicester?
  17. Do you know they haven't?
  18. Don't forget Norwich
  19. There is NO parking at the Hospital. The nearest Town Center car park is the Church Car Park at the East end of Vicarage Road inside the Ring Road. There is also parking for £4/£5 pounds at some schools, the only one I have checked is Watford Scoool for Girls off Lady's Close similar placement to Church Car Park.
  20. What did I miss? I thought there was outline agreement. I really hope we are not going to have a war between different groups basically aiming for the same thing. As Obama said today "It's a time for unprecedented co-operation"
  21. I think Dubai Phil's idea was that we could pledge/pay our money in to some form of holding a/c that would commit to purchasing tickets to a proespective bidder. If there is a buyer the ST are bought if not money is returned. Apologies Phil if you did not mean this but still it might be a way forward in conjunction with Derry's initiative on ownership. Alan
  22. Like the sound of this one, presumably the Administrators could have a holding a/c for those pledging prior to our safety being secured.
  23. £5k + my time to help negotiate
  24. I assume the PLC administrators have the power to place a Subsidiary Company in Administration?
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