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Everything posted by saintalan

  1. Don't you guys connect to a Slingbox via family/Friends in UK?
  2. Echo update http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/4395331.Fry_wants_quick_Saints_sale/
  3. Perhaps they will try and sell us our bricks and pavement slabs back http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/images/icons/icon7.gif
  4. saintalan

    Leon Crouch

    For those that want as much of Leon's money as possible with as little of him as possible seems to me like watching the end of 'Deal or No Deal' first. Given the question "Leon buys club (or you take the outcome of the Administrator) - Deal or No Deal?" I know it's not a true scenario but the question is NOW! Deal or No Deal. Me - Deal.
  5. Thanks nickh Seconded, cant we just have a sticky called the Blame Game or something, I am just looking for news not others squabbles. Alan
  6. Somebody might want to start a new thread http://saintsfc.co.uk/news/?page_id=11766
  7. Not even a mention on the 5pm Solent or Radio 'where saints always come first' Hampshire News
  8. Quotes from MF 'Pinnacle failed to deliver bid' asked about other bids quoted ' very unlikely a transaction will be completed' Pinnacle Tony Lynam on air said" hopes a bid will be in shortly"
  9. There were 2 threads running with regard to songs and I inadvertently posted on the wrong one
  10. Can you hear Southampton Sing Singing the song of angry men It is the music of the fans who will not be slaves again When the beating of our hearts echoes the beating of the drum There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes
  11. Think that's brilliant, I'll take 2, now! Probably a bit late but might have been a better option than the pledges as there is something tangible involved. Rental could be waived in return for free/lower season tickets etc, sure there must be plenty of options. Alan
  12. I'm trying to keep up, but where did the news that the stadium is being sold separately originate?
  13. Echo updated at 16:40 with a bit on Salz also http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/
  14. I doubt the Oceanic Six could make sense of this thread!
  15. http://www.thisisgloucestershire.co.uk/news/Martin-St-Quinton-unveiled-Gloucester-Rugby-s-new-investorarticle-411125-details/article.html
  16. Is that a Klue for a Special K?
  17. How long was he severed for? Isn't severance pay normally subject to being away a minimum term?
  18. I actually posted the whois link way back. Whilst I think posting the info from that link is a bit discourteous, is all the fuss because he is a member here, I am sure there would not be such an outcry of it was the private address of a rumoured buyer etc. As an infraction it’s probably more that he cut and pasted from another web site!
  19. You just never know, with all the shananigans, you just might have hit it! Gets my vote!
  20. Just on SSN 16:16. Stating Mark Fry as saying 2 groups have now done due diligence, WAITING for them to put in bids and has no knowledge of MLT being involved with either.
  21. Seems odd that the Echo are now saying that Jackson was shocked yesterday to discover there was a rival bid, believed to be Pinnacle, when it has been on here and in the press about a week!
  22. Mark Fry just quoted on Radio Hampshire as saying. An announcement could be made as early as the next 24 hours, it is pure speculation that there are only 2 bidders and he hopes it will all be resolved sooner than later.
  23. Not wishing to be picky, but that document refers to those wishing to be admitted to the FL, not sure if it applies to teams already in it and in danger of being thown out. Alan
  24. Doesn't really matter whether I am right or wrong or that it's good or bad but cant help think there is a link with Farmer here. Given the rush http://www.pinnacleproperty.net/ web site and a .net name with http://www.whois.net/whois/pinnacleproperty.net registered by a Mr Farmer pointing to it, I just feel its a bit like somebody that knows something and is running a smoke screen or something alongside it all!
  25. Thought you were the Pinnacle Director?
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