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Everything posted by saintalan
So apart from Adams what else could crop up that would stop 'fans' going? I'm happy to have a club and prepared to put my support where ML has put his money!
Totally confused here. I read the pair as 2 of the same age? Online sales are down and the ground map not available. I am not sure where my Kingsland seat is, as it is not centre and not corner.
I always thought the Directors Box was in the stands! Perhaps he is just planning to pay for his seat there.
Hell, does that make me ITK? http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=321046#post321046
They probably have a Vehicle Registration type system that churns out new company numbers. Anyway, there must be some bright spark on here who can construct a song around it!
Who says you can't buy happiness? Markus Liebherr just did for us! Lieb-herr, Lieb-herr, Lieb-herr!
The sequence continues with quaternary, quinary, senary, septenary, octonary, nonary, denary. Words also exist for `twelfth order' (duodenary) and `twentieth order' (vigenary).
White suit now if we could just see the legs!
Liebherr Liebherr Liebherr
Copy and paste the address from your browser and then preceed it with an OpenSquareBracket the word URL and a CloseSquareBracket then follow the address with the same except URL has a / before it It is difficult to show as it will not appear as I write. As an example try the following BUT change Brackets () to Square Brackets [] (url) http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/news/4475023.Businessmen_bid___12_5m_to_buy_Saints/ (/url) the above should show as a link but will show the (url) - if you use square brackets only the link will show Hope that helps, I'm only a registered user so you full members may have an easier way, anyway you are welcome to one of my 3 posts for the day. Hope I don't become ITK !
Once upon a time there was a Re and White Bull
I can hear it now. And we're off to see Southampton play A Viva Southampton!
Could it just be the opposite, that as we have now sold Surman, we have agreed with the FL to carry on in Admin for now?
It's all very well you saying that FF but a lot of us on here are not ITK and can only form judgements as to who to trust and it's not easy. We are as desparate for news as the rest of you and IN jokes pass us by.
Think we'd be in danger of racism and law suits pretty pretty quickly, so better Curb Your Enthusiasm. Top program like Seinfeld.
Originally Posted by Thedelldays . . .what would top it off if I was there would be if some bloke had his missus sat on his shoulders in front of me.... I would have to push her off... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Always be careful depending on which way she was facing!
Could this be a promo for Killer? http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1704870,00.html
Cameras there to see Fry's Personal Number Plate!
Makes you think they wont get caught with pants around ankles a second time! If they have any thoughts that Pinnacle are about to sign maybe we will see some action this weekend!?
Is 'one of the gentlemen' singular or plural? i.e. 'is putting their hand in their pocket' referring to 'one' or 'gentlemEn'?
I think the problem may be that they would be willing to accept the No Appeal clause for the 10 points, except that the same clause may cover any further (15) points deduction. In your scenario above, they would definitely want to appeal any future deduction for the reasons you state.
MB Given there are 2 reasons I view this message board, the first for info on Saints and the second to see your Avatar, currently I am obviously seeing more of the latter! Would you care to give us more info on the Making of MB's Avatar or its source? Thank you respectfully SaintAlan
TL Video on Echo web site http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/sport/saints/
Not sure that we know the structure of the new company. There could still be a private holding co, with MLT Chairman of FC. Now they know the rules would prob work OK.
Wasn't it Art who said last week that the planets were better aligned fo ra takeover (today) Monday than last Friday?