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saint J

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Everything posted by saint J

  1. saint J

    Sam Baldock

    Was reported on the east anglian news which covers the MK area, 2m deal.
  2. on comes De-Ridder!!!!!
  3. God Bless Markus Liebherr!
  4. Aim hi dude, every one get on the Space station!
  5. A Truely great man! RIP
  6. Has anybody got any mock up designs of what the flag might look like?
  7. What a load of B0ll0cks
  8. it's my birthday tuesday so hoping for a nice big win to celebrate! COYS!!
  9. thank you for being so assertive and reporting the "abusive" post, I now realise the error of my way's and repent all I have said, It was wrong and i now feel saddend I have let down the collective of the board. I will promise to obay the law and not let my opinion (although short and to the point) be repeated again. It's not that I don't want a proper debate but I feel at times you must respond in a way that does not confuse the facts. Please don't hate me for this as all I want is to be best buddy's with a pessimistic, critical, moral sapping all round good guy!
  10. The man is a knob head, simples
  11. 450 mins
  12. mmmph
  13. Don't know if posted anywhere else but intersting view of how other mangers see Adikins and Southampton. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_div_2/8968133.stm
  14. Nick Illingsworth sounds a right.......!
  15. I was one of the lucky ones that met him after the cup final, as you say he stopped, Chatted and had his photo taken with us. His little plastic bag with his programme in it made him more of a true fan than i thought any owner could be, very modest, humble and upright. A TRUE FAN, A TRUE GENT AND A GREAT MAN! God Bless You Markus. RIP
  16. RIP Markus, GOD BLESS YOU all you have achieved.
  17. I know it's a cliche but it's only the first game, you cannot judge the team on this, once Plymouth scored there goal all 11 of their players got behind the ball and made it bloody hard to get through, give it another 3 or 4 games and if the results have not gone in our favour then yes start the witch hunt, but after one game those that boo'd are complete cants!
  18. not true!
  19. Either a urinary tract infection or marking it's territory cos another cats been about, Had the same prob a few weeks back and found ot another cat had snuk in the house.
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