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Everything posted by Sussex_saint

  1. was never alive to see Le Tiss play but every time I see this video I watch in wonder.
  2. I know he was still very raw - but this guy was an absolute foul magnet. Considering we have (or had) the best set piece taker in the league, I'm surprised we didn't try drawing out more free kicks with him.
  3. Um, no - that's a natural thing to do with you arms as you jump. It didn't affect the trajectory of the ball, or impact the play. A shit rule which should definitely be placed under review for next season.
  4. How has Fred not been sent off? A walking disaster waiting to happen for man u right now
  5. Looks great! you can see something else on the back of the shirt on the top right shoulder. I wonder if that's some sort of shoulder thing or the back of the shirt? looks like a shoulder stripe actually.
  6. Ballard comes across as a lovely guy - he could definitely become a regular next season if he plays his cards right.
  7. yep - I did feel a bit emotional the other day seeing him clapped off. some guy created a great compilation of him on twitter, starting of that clip of him when he was 12/13 or something, all the way through to this season. People saying "oh we could do without him" and even the idiots who say "tbh i'll rather see him go", just look to how we performed in the grimbsy game. even look at how we performed when he came off vs Liverpool! If hes gone, hes gone, and you never know - wouldn't be surprised to see him in a managerial role a few years down the line back here ( hopefully not in Lampard style!)
  8. yep, he absolutely sent sallah a few times
  9. why the fuck are we only playing like this now?
  10. until a prem club comes knocking with a good price tag... would love it to be true though.
  11. I think the club will demand an ridiculous price - something that only a few teams could afford. If he does go, the club will want a shit tonne of money for him. Tbh I wouldnt be surprised if he stays for another year when we try and do a Burnley, then let him go if promotion fails.
  12. Wouldn't say awful - certainly not in his prime but he's hardly been awful
  13. Too right! People here need to cool off. I'll miss him loads - and I think it'll be clear how vital he is if he leaves. Part of me thinks he will stay - if he does, he will keep pocketing a massive cheque, and ensure club legend status. I think if SR bring on a decent manager, JWP could possibly be persuaded to stay, maybe on the condition that we will let him go if promotion fails next year.
  14. Lovely delivery. God I'll miss JWP next season.
  15. I couldn't care if our new manager played 2-1-6-1! As long as our next boss gets results then I don't care who he is or what formation he plays.
  16. what I don't understand is why we keep buying youth players, well at the same time the club preach about our world class academy! Its a fact we have a very good and proven system in place, so whats the point of buying youngsters like this!! I think both have potential, especially Edozie with his nifty footwork. Can't really comment on Larios as he has barely played. I just cannot get over the fact that we've spunked good money on them. it totally undermines the culture of this club.
  17. For me, the players who put in the most effort are: JWP - I don't really need to explain why; I can't find a flaw of his effort (and mostly playing) this season. Che - he tries his best, however without a striking partner he's a bit lost. Hopefully based on his heartfelt apology on Instagram he'll stick with us, and we can find a proven championship striker to go with him. Perraud - at the end of games, he's absolutely coated in sweat. Would like him in the squad next year. Stu - when in the squad he also clearly cares and tries, looks like COVID has knocked him out for now though. Lyanco - another one with lots of fire inside of him. Not a slacker at all. Alcaraz - same as lyanco. Lavia - seems to be frustrated with the lack of effort from the squad - comes across heavily in his playing. The worst: AMN - doesn't give 2 shits. A disgrace. No wonder he gets loaned out to west brom or wherever it was. Aribo - generally the same. AA is also a contender, so is orsic. Ik he hasn't played, but getting caught smoking in a nightclub is a bit old school for modern football. This season would not have felt as shit if all the players put in effort. They don't get paid 50k a week for this!
  18. Ward Prowse was is the only properly experienced player of the club right now. Since we got rid of Romeu etc, it's inevitable that he would step up. I think many judge him by his personality. He's not a chest beating, foul mouthed footballer, he's a more restrained one. It seems people here would rather a more aggressive captain - but that's just not his character. Also, with this bunch of fuckwits what else can he do? He's one man. Yes, I will admit he hasn't shown much grit on the field as captain, but he's put in effort every match he's played. I don't think anyone can fault his playing this year - from his free kick goals to the penalties to the likes of his last minute block against arsenal, he's tried with all his heart to keep the club up. I would love him to stay - really love him to stay, and the only way I can see he will is with a decent, long term manager who can play to his strengths, much like NJ did ( playing him more forward, something which Selles is allergic to). Other wise, I think we have lost him. I hope he's remembered as the guy who proudly played for saints since 2012, the guy who was the best set peice taker in the prem.
  19. Selles seems alright as a guy, but no competent manager would ever start AA. I don't care how new he is, but for me that's a sign to not keep him over the summer.
  20. Selles is still in his little dream world of us possibly surviving - so he'll put out our "strongest team" no doubt, consisting of AA, Mo Ely, AMN and Daillo!
  21. I can't see him being loaned away - I think he's in or out.
  22. Completely agree with the post above this - there are many more things and individuals to blame than jwp. To address the people complaining about teens "worshiping" Prowsey - for a lot of people my age, he is our Southampton hero. He is the longest serving player right now, so it's only natural that people who watch saints feel an affinity for him. It's the same as people of an older generation having Le Tis as their childhood hero. I'm not saying he's a flawless captain, of course he does have to take some responsibility. However, we don't know what he's like off the pitch - on the pitch is only half of the responsibilities of a captain.
  23. Really hope we never get lampard or Rooney, or Gerrard for that matter. Much rather we get an experienced, long term manager who can really get the fans up on their feet at St Mary's. Someone like Viera etc
  24. if this is true - and I'm ready for our hopes to be dashed - then we look like we could be in a strong place for the championship. A combination of Alcaraz, Tino, Ballard Payne and Doyle would be fantastic!
  25. Bednerak could be useful, but I doubt he would stay in championship when he could get snapped up by a lower prem side.
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