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Everything posted by east-stand-nic

  1. You see, this above is your undoing. Silly assumptions. You would do well to stop with them so you do not look such a fool all the time. One does not need to be an intellectual colossus to outwit most on here as the common error of posters on this forum is reading wrong whilst making silly assumptions.
  2. People who have a university degree and somehow assume that makes them more intelligent than others, of whom they know nothing about. I mean come on, how arrogant and in fact thick is that way of thinking.
  3. Incorrect yet again. As I have said many times, there is little if any point to answering questions from the likes of you Tame, TD/Sog etc as you read things in a totally crazy way and miss the point. And no, I could not live further from an expat community being in a small town 550 KM from Bangkok, so you look rather silly again do you not. Do you ever get anything right?
  4. Surely by assuring them of an easy tie, it is hindering them with fixture congestion as they are more certain to go through and have to play yet another game? There is no way this is anything to do with fixtures and absolutely certain that it is about helping them to WIN.
  5. Once again, please learn to read things. I have clearly stated numerous times i hate them all and believe they are all the same side of the coin, controlled by the ruling elite. They all lie, spin and talk nonsense and make empty promises. Trump is no different. But I had to set the record straight many times as so many of you myopic types see only BIDEN or STARMER without realising your man you ARE backing is just as bad if not worse. Incidentally, while you are up for asking others questions, how do you fancy answering the many you avoided answering on here so many times?
  6. One again, translated into "shit, he really has got us here and now we look very very stupid, so we best try and get away with it by trying to be funny'.
  7. Another dope that cannot read. I was merely pointing out that he did NOT start the wars and in fact kept peace. That is a factual statement. Not one of support. Can anyone on this forum read things for what they are?
  8. So, let us translate this waffle. Basically, you are a bit embarrassed that with all your superior Education, you misread the simplest of things. Or did i miss the post where you proved I said I support Trump? Absolutely no point in me saying anything as the kiddos on here i show up so much will never bow down and accept they made a simple reading error. I clearly stated i support neither side and think they are all crap. But sadly the kids on here have no reading skills even though they claim to have such a superior education to me, without even knowing my education level. They are very typical of teenage keyboard warriors in everything they do.
  9. No idea who he will pick to play in this one, he probably doesn't either. But it will end 1-1 and we will win on penalties.
  10. Yep, a sure sign I have shown you up when you feel the need to do this. So basically I will take that as confirmation you were all wrong and cannot read. Thanks. Much appreciated.
  11. Still waiting for you to show me where i said i support Trump? Come on Mr. Educated? Surely easy for you to show me where I said this? No? Oh, I see, so you just read it wrong, assumed wrong and now feel rather embarrassed. Got it. Cool.
  12. Yep, as expected, cannot explain away their stupidity so just LOL emoji's.
  13. So go on then, show me where I said I support Trump as he claims? Don't just do your usual Badger LOL emoji. Show me where I said I support Trump and then explain to me what I meant by saying I don't support anyone? In your own words and your own time?
  14. So, with all that education you are still too thick to read? Jesus Christ. You just made yourself look a total tool. Have a read of the below and try again to out all that lovely education to good use.
  15. Well done for avoiding the subject. You said I follow him and like him and i clearly stated i do not follow any of them or support any of them. Now once again you have been outted as someone who scan reads posts and gets the wrong understanding. Slow down and read properly sonny. My original post to help you out, where u said Trump is my hero. Wrong yet again. Jeez u must be hurting. Slow down, read properly and u would not make such as ass of yourself so much.
  16. Blimey, you still hurting from the battering i gave u last week? get over it mate.
  17. On another day we get at least a point in this game, we were just a bit unlucky at times. Thought we gave a very good account of ourselves. Good spirit, some good play, and deserved at least a point. My Geordie mate here agreed. He said if we play like that all season we will stay up. And now with some new players in already, we should be OK but RM needs to fix the GK situation and either let AMC do it his way or get someone new in else it will cost us a goal a game.
  18. I watched the whole game Saturday and thought to myself, against lesser teams we should be OK this season if we keep going with that level of effort. I thought we were actually pretty good. Forest is one of those games they have to take serious and fight just as hard. We must learn that winning the games helps to keep us above the bottom 3. I have no idea if we will win but we bloody well should and have more than enough about us. I think we look pretty good at the back aside from the silly risky pissin about with tippy tap. And now with Big Les in we have another very good string to our bow. It is just up to RM now to play the best 11 and make the right subs at the right time.
  19. Note SOG has been absent for quite some time. There is absolutely no doubt at all mentalmickey is his new user name and back up actor to support his own posts. He would be all over one of us for laughing at something serious like that, but as ever his double standards allow him to do the same. Its SOG for sure. You know how he always likes to back up his own views by telling BS stories about someone he met had the same view as him blah blah blah; well this is how he is using mentalmickey, to act as if there is someone here who feels exactly the same as he does. Utterly amazing behavior and to be honest as I think I said before, perhaps he needs some leeway as clearly he has mental health issues.
  20. I see u have once again been shown up and embarrassed as a 'I Know nothing' fool on this thread lol. But thanks for stalking all my posts with a laughing emoji. That is clear proof you have gotten to some one and beaten them to death with logic and brains.
  21. Yes, but we should only be concerned as to how many dopes get fooled by this and mask up, and acquiesce to government orders and give away even more or our rights and freedoms.
  22. No, of course not. I know you are still embarrassed from having to apologise to me last week. You hate people like me because i show you up so much, tie you up in knots and out you as a closed minded fool. Here you go, lap this one up oh brainwashed one: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/sloth-fever-virus-symptoms-vaccine-b2596241.html In your case it is, this is what MSM told me, so I will believe it and denounce anything outside of what I believe as my mind is totally closed in a box. This is what 90% of people do. A lot of it comes down to fear and comfort zone. Deep down they know they have been duped, but to admit it would open up a horror show of feelings and fears, so they ignore it and push it away for fear of being outside their comfort zone. More government funded scientist website articles. Have you not learned yet? 1. Government funded scientists = say what we tell you or, be number 2. Not government funded scientists = tell the truth exactly as you find it. I wonder now, with the record governments have for lying and twisting things for their own agenda, which one might be true?
  23. And there goes that huge vast IQ and open mind once again. You utter fool. You only ever agree with any article that agrees with what you think on the subject. You one of the worst on here for having an open mind. Yours is firmly shut.
  24. So another one who cannot read English. Jeez how thick are you?
  25. Meanwhile, your hero is a war mongering retard and his replacement is a communist con artist. PS. Trump is not my hero. I do not see things so myopic as you. I have more of a brain to see things for what they really are on all sides.
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