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Everything posted by east-stand-nic

  1. Brentford's first away win? Surely we cannot be that bad as to allow that to happen? Surely Juric will have seen enough now to know who must be dropped etc. If Archer is well enough (heard he was sicky) then he has to start with TP. I also want to know why CT has not got a look in. KWP on the right please.
  2. A Knighthood has been seriously devalued over the years. I cannot really see many, if any reasons why a football player/coach/manager should get one. There are far more deserving of it that get totally missed or shunned.
  3. Christmas movies.....Ben Hur, The Great escape and a James Bond often thrown in.
  4. east-stand-nic

    Ivan Juric

    I am quite certain he is on a wind up. No one can be as unaware and stupid as what he says. He does the same thing he berates others for. He can see it, he is just embarrassed he keeps getting caught out. I am gonna leave it there with him and see how many times he brings me into threads again so we can point out is hypocrisy yet again. Should not have to wait too long.
  5. east-stand-nic

    Ivan Juric

    You know full well you do the same that you accuse and berate others for. Your comment about Duckies behavior is different you my comment on yours in what way? You are either a wum made up character or very very stupid and unaware of it. I suggest you stop now.
  6. Is this a must won game? Wolves, Ipswich and Leicester all look to have games in which they ought to get nothing (hopeful thinking), so we need to take advantage and close the gap. A draw is good considering our form over the season, but in truth it is not enough to keep drawing and thinking that will help. OK, most think we are already down and I can see why. But there is still a chance and i am quite certain IJ will be telling the players that. We have to start winning. A win today and defeats for all the others around us makes the table look much better all of a sudden where as a draw just does not make enough difference for me. 17 Leicester 14 18 Wolverhampton Wanderers 12 19 Ipswich Town 12 20 Southampton 9
  7. east-stand-nic

    Ivan Juric

    Ditto, right here and on many other threads where you have chosen to attack people and not discuss the subject yourself. All too easy.
  8. east-stand-nic

    Ivan Juric

    Once again an incredible lack of awareness. You say I am literally stalking you and need to check my behavior, yes? So your post above that I replied to where you talk about Duckie, is that not also Stalking? Do you not need to check your own behavior? Or is it different because you are doing it? It is incredible you say these things when all the while it is YOU who is all the things you claim others to be DOING. I sincerely hope you get the mental health help you so clearly need.
  9. east-stand-nic

    Ivan Juric

    Stalking and stirring again I see.
  10. I see your reading skills have still not improved, even with your other user name MentalMickey.
  11. Only Telegraph readers? What about Guardian readers? No? Different?
  12. I think one change for me there. Put TP up on his own to win balls and hold up play, put archer back where dibling is so they can work off each other as I think dibling has issues and needs a rest.
  13. What a time for him to get his first goal and win us 3 points. Prayer time.
  14. Do you understand not all Israeli's are Jews?
  15. And no doubt you would try to justify it and brush it under the carpet if the perpetrators had been of Asian Origin.
  16. Being that you are without doubt the most negative and miserable person on here, I cannot quite believe you said that.
  17. I see no comments from anyone who claimed he was guilty/liable? To coin a well known posters phrase, "surprise surprise'.
  18. I said it before, I know 100% we have expressed interest in Eustace and so far as I know we were given permission to speak to him. I have not heard anymore about how that went and if indeed it ever got to a meeting but my mate up there will let me know. FYI, rarely have I ever been ITK accept back in the days I knew a few Saints players personally. But on this occasion a chap I know and used to work with, he works at Ewood Park.
  19. It is Eustace we are chasing not Rohl.
  20. I think we are a 36 - 40k attendance sized club at this time, assuming as you said, we were a mid table premier league team. Or even a bottom half team as relegation battles can be crowd pullers, so long as you survive after.
  21. I rate Eustace. I think he is going to get a premier league job soon after what he has done at Brum and Rovers on small budgets. We have been linked with him before quite recently. Maybe a bit of a risk being that he has not premier league experience. But he would certainly have us in the mix for next season's title charge.
  22. Once again zero awareness and double standards. All of what you complain of others doing to you, you do to US. You do it to me all the time, mentioning me in your posts to try and get a rise. So, how about you accept that you are just as bad and you agree to stop it? Are you game to make this place better for all by practicing what you preach?
  23. Does the same apply to people who (pretend) have people on ignore, but then take them off, then put them back on again, then take them off again?
  24. To be honest, I think that latest Jackanory from him proves lock stock that he is a joke character/WUM not to be taken seriously. He is here for clcik bait and to increase comments I reckon. There is just no way anyone is as stupid as he makes out.
  25. There you go again trolling me. You just cannot help yourself can you.
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