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Everything posted by east-stand-nic

  1. More inane drivel. How about debating and answering questions as you always say?
  2. So u now admit your opinion was incorrect about my turn of phrase. Apology accepted.
  3. So, by that rationale, can we also arrest and lock up all the people who chant death to Whites and Soldiers while on the street? Why is that different to posting on social media? It isn't is it? So you will agree they should all be locked up for incitement? Thanks.
  4. No, they are a turn of phrase and you know it. You are just reeling from the fact i made sense and you hate that. Fact is, if i said that 'Turn of Phrase' when referring to cleaning up our country of right wing scum, you would not have commented. You are an into and inverted racist and a massive part of why the UK is going to shit. As I have said above matey, he is one of those who has the issues, not us. If i used that turn of phrase to slag of Tommy Robinson and others like him, he would not have batted an eyelid. He is just an inverted racist which likely means he hates Muslims and the likes and hides it by virtual signalling. @pingpongI see you are another virtue signaler trying to mask your own hatred of outsiders. It is you sir who is racist no I, quite clearly. To even think those 6 words means what you think they mean comes from inside your head, not mine. It is a simple turn of phrase as i said above. For you to assume it meant dirty people, means you thought of that yourself, which means factually you are deep down harboring racist thoughts. @Turkishindeed, cleaning up things is a common turn of phrase. For people to assume it means a racist slur about being dirty says much more about their thought processes than it does about mine. I could have said cleaning up our club, no one would bat an eyelid. Too many inverted racists on here who try to mask their own feelings of doubt and distrusts of foreigners by virtue signaling.
  5. A very divisive character if ever there was one. Some of what he says is true and accurate. However, luvvies and do-gooders refuse to accept this no matter what. His part and his ways have messed him up from being one I can follow. Yeah I hear what he says and agree with some of it. But he is violent by default and that turns me away from supporting him. However, maybe a good time for me to post this to get the luvvies and do-gooders going, plus sogmickey's two user names of course. OK, let us talk sensible and not silly myopic BS like 90% do here with their predictable labeling of anyone who wants immigration lowered as a right wing Nazi. First of all, I suspect I am just about the most traveled person on this forum, though odds on there has to be at least one more like me. I have worked overseas over 22 years or so. I have worked in many countries and cities in many regions. Most relevant to my points below, would be The Far East/SE Asia and the Middle East. I can speak from experience on what it is like to live in these places and what their rules are like on immigrants. Saudi for example, very strict (at least it used to be). Working foreigners only. University educated only. NO Carrying of a bible of any religious material other than Islam. What do you think of that? Personally I did not care as I am not religious at all. But the hypocrisy smacks loud and clear. We have zero rights in most Middle East countries, but they have as much rights as me and you in the UK. Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia. Similar on working rules and Visas. Not bothered about religion. They have something in these countries called restricted jobs. That means ONLY a national of these countries can do work such as taxi driver, labor, accountant, lawyer and many others. They put their own first. I agree with them and respect that. No, it is not racist or archaic. It is helping their own people first and why not; it is their country not mine. Now, for the simpletons here who can only see labels and black and white etc., no, people like me are not against immigration if controlled and of value. But here are some of the main issues we have in the UK they do NOT have in these countries (because they do not tolerate it). 1. Many immigrants do not integrate and want to turn their homes and areas into their style homes and areas. This has, in some cities created almost no go areas for white English people. Good? 2. The NHS, local surgeries and dentists are rammed and appointment booking is weeks ahead. This is NO QUESTION IN PART to uncontrolled immigration. Read it again, IN PART. 3. What Irks many people is that a soon as they wash ashore they get hotel rooms, and funding FACT. If I washed ashore in any of the countries I worked in, I would be deported within 3 weeks after being in holding cells. 4. I have had literally zero rights in most of the countries I have lived in and have to prove a certain level of income and savings and have insurances. Good idea. I should not be entitled to bugger all free. Just a few points to get the loons raging. I say again in clear English, some immigration in any country is a good thing. Most people who have issues with immigration as is, are NOT racist or against brown people, as our resident well known poster calls them, they are against our towns and systems being ruined and ravaged and against these people having no respect for their hosts. A lot of the do-gooders on here go on about loutish expats in places like Spain, the types that drink beer all day and want a full English brekky with tomato sauce or else. I agree, these people are an embarrassment. So why do you do-gooders not criticise the immigrants/expats that come to the UK and demand their ways, their foods and religious rights and laws? You know exactly what I am saying. Some of the UK immigrants that come in from Muslim countries and Eastern Europe are as bad in every way as the UK expats who beer swill and fight. They are just as bad in different ways. So why do you not see the issues? You can see it when English behave badly abroad, but REFUSE to see it when they do it in the UK to us? Why can you not see there are issues and these issues need to be fixed and England needs to be cleaned up?
  6. And you never butt in? Double standards again. If inane and common place, why bring it up and have a go at someone for doing what you also do? Double standards again. Farage documentary ages back. Turkish asked you for a link to is many times, as ever you declined to reply. Yet you accuse others of not replying to your questions? Double standards again. You do these things all time. You have a pop at people everyday for having FAR RIGHT views because they disagree with you. You play the victim, you have chronic double standards. The other day you said to someone, 'If you don't like what I say, put me on ignore'. OMG, the number of times you have said you have people on ignore yourself and then reply to them. Come on man, just accept it and change your silly childlike ways, then no one will give you any grief. Just post your opinions and if anyone disagrees, just accept it, why call them far right loons etc? Isn't that just inane drivel?
  7. So why did you feel the need to have a pop about him posting inane drivel if you accept it is common place and you are just as guilt? Up, Tied, knots, in.
  8. More double standards and hypocrisy. How many times have you posted personal attacks, inane drivel and childish nonsense, not to mention outright lies about documentaries that never existed etc. Seriously, why don't you just face it. The number of people who have seen through you is growing, as it did on TUI, you know, the forum where you ordered the admin to remove others who disagreed with you?
  9. So basically you have just said the same moronic double standards crap again. Tories don't lift cap, they don't care about the working class, only their own. Labour don't remove the cap, they have done their sums and realise it is not affordable. Maybe that is why the Tories did not remove the cap, because they did their sums and it was not affordable, no? Have you ever seen a shrink as you are totally nuts.
  10. As things stand, that is to say with no new first class signings in before this match, I fully expect a drubbing of some sort, 6-0 has been on my mind but like many on here have already said, first games are often not as expected. Newcastle may not be full on, we might come out fighting like dogs and end up losing like 2-1 or similar. If we get even a point I will be amazed. But then again, we have all seen those amazing opening days scorelines, often by newly promoted clubs. Could it be our turn?
  11. He has already done that with the child benefit cap. When Starmer does it, sogmickey says they have done their sums and realise there is a better way. Tories do it, they are rip off bastards who only care about the rich. You couldn't make it up.
  12. Maybe he is protecting the democrats? https://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-harvey-weinstein-politics-20171006-story.html
  13. When you answer the 17 questions i put you over the last year or so, I will respond your user names.
  14. Thanks again for proving my point little one.
  15. LOL. Just shown yourself as the idiot you are using mis-quotes. Show me an unedited over video to prove he said bleach. As for the rest of your post, one always knows when someone has lost the argument when they resort to such silliness and emoji's. Thank you so much for proving me right.
  16. Like the thugs who kicked off in Leeds over child services taking kids away. I assume you condemn their actions also, no?
  17. Yes, exactly LOL In the last 4 years he was not, hence wars started. In HIS last 4 years, no wars. Got it now.
  18. Here he is mental Mickey (SOG) with his LOL emjoi's but no reply to the subject
  19. You mean like all the wars he started in his last 4 years as POTUS? Jeez.
  20. It is pretty clear to me he is sog 2nd log on made up just to attack and defend himself to make it look like at least someone agrees with him. Nutty behavior to say the least.
  21. You see now, this is why you get so much hassle. You are a total idiot. referring to someone as a character, just because they have a different opinion to you and because I ask you questions you CANNOT answer. You are by far the worst poster on this site. By far.
  22. Jeez. 🤡's.
  23. Rolling back to the tory's doing the same thing, tight fisted millionaire scum looking after their own and not caring about the poor.
  24. Just like a lefty loon, making jokes after an awful tragedy. Had it have been Biden shot you would be livid and demanding we all be banned if we acted like this. You are vile.
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