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Everything posted by east-stand-nic

  1. Yes, you do, very much so. How many times have you brought me into a thread by mentioning my name (deliberately to get a reaction) and how many times have you derailed threads by making it about me, Turkish and others? You are such a dull prick. Take this thread as a perfect example of your idiocy and cowardice: Asked me not to reply to comments that had nothing to do with me, even though you mentioned me in the post lol. Then of course once you realised you were wrong again you stopped replying.
  2. When will relegation be confirmed? It depends hugely on this result against Wolves. If we lose we will be 17 points behind them, 18 with GD, and with only 27 points left to play for so likely down by the Villa game. If we win we will be only 11/12 points behind with GD. So the relegation could be delayed a game or two later. I think and hope we will win as we need to finish on more than 11 bloody points.
  3. The Home Office said penalties were "designed to target negligence rather than criminality". I assume they expect people to do the polices and border services job then? I mean WTF. This is just crazy. Seems the UK does not want to prosecute any kind of criminality these days.
  4. Seem indeed I have got at people. I have people. No explanation for the otherwise.
  5. Really? Would you like to explain the mention of me, and why I cannot reply to a post where my name is mentioned? You really are so thick. Only me? Are you being childish again and attacking only one? Sog is not guilty in anyway? Same old silly viewpoint. Bias and playing favourites. Just because I show you up so much, as I am going here again now.
  6. Show me a crack pot theory. Thanks now.
  7. Just can't help yourself can you. Boring old racist.
  8. Educate me then. Come along ye ole racist, how are your lol emoji's OK, but mine are not? You have, on many occasions, used them on serious posts I have made and you have replied to serious posts i have made with utter nonsense to derail the thread. You even once said 'It's a football forum, get used to it'. So, you derail, mock, berate and using lol emoji's, but when I do anything similar it is wrong? You really are an utter prick of the highest order. As is your other login mentalmickey
  9. I see, so when SOG posts unnecessary LOL emoji';s on my posts and indeed other peoples posts that is OK. It would seem a lot of people on this forum have no ability to think properly, equitable and fairly. It seems I am an idiot and a dope for doing it, but when you all do it on my posts or other peoples posts, nothing gets said. What childish thicko's you all are.
  10. Good god, your first reply is in itself a great example of how thick you are, or perhaps it is just a lack of awareness you have? Go back to your post to me, quoted at the top here where you say, and I quote 'You are the one who posts laughing emojis instead of engaging in debate.' So would you like to explain why it is OK for you to post laughing Emoji's? You are clearly saying here that when I do it, it is rather than engaging in debate, so can I assume that is also why you do it? I wont bother going through all the others as you show a total lack of awareness that you do all the things you deride me and others for doing but seem to think somehow when you do it, the menaing is not the same. Totally buried.
  11. And you never post any laughing emoji's and never have? Why is the evidence i put up any less firm that what you see on MSM? Think about it. Asked you maybe 15 times to show me a post where I have supported him. Thanks again. Show me where I have EVER said I am quitting the forum and not going to post again? Thanks now. You never call me or others right wing, Nazi, thick. nutty or other names? Yes, and in fact if you want I will spend time proving it, but when I do prove you started it, will you promise to leave the forum? If I am Dune? Conspiracy theory? I refer you to where you say I am the one who calls names, you never do lol. Please show me where i said those exact words and did not in fact say I would not reply to the SUBJECT in hand. Thanks now. As all sensible half intelligent people will see, I have totally buried you here with logic. Each and every claim you have made is false, laughable and hypocritical. I thank you for showing me why this is not indeed the case. I thank you for now proving you have never berated or called names. I thank you for showing me you have never used Emoji's and so on and so forth. Give it up. You are out of your league.
  12. Clearly I meant on the subject of the war facts I posted. But you probably could not work that out with your limited brain power. PS. Looking forward to u showing me my broken promises. Thanks now.
  13. I assume that means you feel the same when you do it to me and others? So are you admitting here that you are indeed a total twat? All to easy. I cannot even begin on the levels of unawareness and irony you display here as you are the one that started to do this stuff to me and others. Now we give it back you squinny and accuse others of being all the things that you are. Quite amazing. I assume you must have serious mental issues as all you are doing is stating that anyone who does these things is a twat, while doing those exact same things yourself. Couldn't make it up.
  14. You are clearly part of that awful snowflake group who want to silence anyone with an opinion different to yours. You are a dictator as much as you claim Putin is. Accept different views and be respectful, then I will. Simple isn't it. Just like your thought processes.
  15. Yes, because people who research are thicker than those who merrily accept all they see on the Box. Jeez, you have just proven that I am way out of your league for intellect. Thanks.
  16. Nope. Unlike you dumb lot, I look at the big picture. I don't just stare myopically at the TV MSM channels and say, 'Ah, so that's it, is it'. Fools like you all on here are the problem with the world. So many stupid people unable to research. This is of course what the powers that be, wanted you to be so well done for being good little boys for them. The world will never become the harmonious place it should be until everyone learns not to listen to MSN BS. Sadly, while you lot are all part of the world with your sub 100 IQ's, we are doomed. I shall not be replying again as not a one of you is worthy of debate. You will only believe what you want to believe and refuse ever to accept other possibilities. The definition of thick.
  17. If you still believe that Russia started this conflict in 2022, then you are either corrupt, ignorant, or brainwashed. If you don’t know who Victoria Nuland is, or what she was doing in Ukraine in 2014, then you have no idea what’s going on. The Deep State started this war. It was the Obama CIA/State Dept that funded Nazi militant groups to start a civil war in Ukraine, and initiated regime change to a CIA/State Dept puppet, Yatseniuk. This was all revealed in the leaked phone call between State Dept diplomats and Deep State agents, Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt (link in next post). After the Maidan coup in February 2014, the US CIA/State Dept owned Ukraine via proxy, and the CIA began using Ukraine as a giant offshore playground for criminal racketeering and money laundering. Ukraine became one giant CIA base, directly on Russia’s border. Then the US/NATO began building up Ukraine’s army for the sole purpose of one day fighting Russia. The US/NATO began supplying Ukraine with weapons, equipment, missiles, training, intelligence, etc. Covert elements within the US government, along with their European partners in NATO, used espionage to overthrow and take control of the nation of Ukraine, then built a massive standing army on Russia’s border, then tried to bring Ukraine into NATO, and thus start WW3. If you are still buying the official MSM narrative about this conflict, you should not be engaged in conversations. Everything the MSM told you about Ukraine/Russia has been a lie, and in many cases, the inverse of the truth. Link to BBC article from 2014 admitting the massive scandal at the US State Dept engaging in regime change. The MSM always leave these details out of the current narrative. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26072281.amp No doubt the pretend intellectuals on hear will refuse to accept this. Brain dead.
  18. Aw, hurting once again as I have yet again prove how closed minded and brainwashed you all are? Yep, he tells facts. You don't like his facts so you belittle him and them. You are another closed minded fool. Show me where I have supported anything he has done please. Thanks. I have said countless times I believe politics is a pantomime, a soap opera to keep you thicko's entertained and believing silly things. You get brainwashed by the shows on BBC and other MSM and refuse to look outside for alternative news and views. No, it is not bollocks. It is fact. You just don't like it as it goes too far against your brainwashing and your desire to be seen as intelligent on such subjects. If he had said something that supports your view, you would love it. That is the problem on here, too many braindead thicko's unable and unwilling to listen to anything outside their confirmation bias. He did not like what the man said so he made up bollox to try and belittle him. Standard stuff when proving people on here wrong.
  19. I will reply when tomorrow i have more time. But it is clear you are all far to entrenched and myopic to see anything other than your own view from the BBC etc.
  20. The issue is the future, not someone's take on the past.
  21. To fix things we often need to understand in depth details of the past. There is little doubt there is more to this than Putin invading for power and land. Name calling, yep. About your level. People are walking away from De Niro left right and centre due to his weird ways and views. Had I have used an actor to justify a view, you would be all over me laughing. You really need to grow up when debating. Btw, once again where have I defended Trump or sided with him? Learn to think and engage brain before tantrum time.
  22. An interesting history snippet.
  23. Awww, still hurting from another walloping huh petal?
  24. So, Blair did not know Savil? Ah I see. You are the prat and you hate being shown as one.
  25. Awww, cute. Caught out again and you just cant deal with it can ya.
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