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Farmer Saint

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Everything posted by Farmer Saint

  1. I'm surprised we've seen 5 wins considering the players over that span. And I got criticised for saying I didn't really want promotion last season as we weren't ready 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Farmer Saint


    But I'm sure the usual suspects on here will offer some...
  3. Interested to know where we are as a fanbase. For me it's 75% the players, but I've made that clear since the Summer. What do YOU think?
  4. At what point is everyone going to come round to - maybe it's not the Manager..?
  5. None of them were coming here previously either. Anyone that is any good can look at this team and know they have absolutely no chance - which they did.
  6. Really? If they do they don't understand football. Entitled to their opinions of course, but so are a lot of clueless people.
  7. I don't think many Saints fans would argue that Stephens and Bednarek are the best in any division - and I don't think KWP is any good defensively either.
  8. Check those facts then - prove me wrong. My guess is you won't, as you can't.
  9. But then you can't blame RM for it either then...
  10. And this is what I've been saying for the god knows how long. Our defence is dog shite, has been for years. This is due to player recruitment and coaching. It has spanned 8 managers.
  11. You'd imagine the second manager would do better though, wouldn't you? New Managers tend to do better initially, rather than ones getting towards the end of their tenure.
  12. No, results like that can help to pick up teams. It should have been 12, and we should have been in our Honeymoon period. The fact is we haven't conceded less than 60 in a season since the 2017/2018 season.
  13. TBF, we have conceded more per game with Juric as Manager...but luckily as you said a number of times, it can't get any worse!! And as I said, it can when SR are picking managers.
  14. 0-5 against the worst away team in the League...that's worse.
  15. Genuinely, I've said this a number of times. The reason we play 3/5 at the back is because our CBs are too poor to play in a 4 - we overload so that we have that extra defender. It's not the club making them do it, it's the Managers knowing the limitations of the players.
  16. God, I am SOOOO glad we got rid of RM.
  17. Would that not be called a Cunthey?
  18. Nope, you've outed him - it's happening...
  19. Now that is very interesting
  20. That was incredible - genuinely one of the best atmosphere's I've been a part of.
  21. But that's just standard immigration - you shouldn't apply the second part to refugees. Not sure how you can prove the first part.
  22. I don't disagree, but then they need to allow applications from anywhere, and not just a select few very select schemes. Apart from these you cannot claim asylum unless you are in the UK, and they removed the ability to apply for an Asylum Visa (which many countries have), meaning the only way to get here is on dinghy's.
  23. Farmer Saint


    I'm not ignoring that. Don't ignore that the Israelis have also killed 14k children. Just because one side are baddies doesn't mean the other side has to be goodies.
  24. Farmer Saint


    Probably killing 50k of your children, friends and relatives, and destroying everything you own Vs a bit of cheering. I know which I'd prefer to be on the end of.
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