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Mao Cap

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Everything posted by Mao Cap

  1. Well I suppose I don't like your definition of the truth - but then that "truth" is based on the type of hysterical, skewed, misleading, half-true reports of your favourite newspapers, with all of their cherry-picked statistics from vested interests and the smokescreens of rhetoric they use to hide the reality of an incident. My job comprises detailed reading and summarising of articles from all the national newspapers, see, so I know what I'm talking about. But you're wrong about me not enjoying hearing it. After a mental deconstruction of the relatively sophisticated and sane stuff in the Telegraph, picking apart your amateurish bilge is a f*cking breeze
  2. I don't know, the standard of journalistic integrity at the Telegraph has gone downhill in the last couple of years. Whilst I disagreed with it on most stuff I used to have a grudging respect for it as a proper paper; now it's increasingly becoming a kind of a Mail/Express for posh people.
  3. What, like how you call your (very moderate, centrist) opponents such as Verbal, Joensuu "Marxists" in every other post? "For Ur-Fascism, disagreement is treason". Point number 4.
  4. "Obsession with a plot, possibly an international one." Point number 7.
  5. We went over all this back when you were Stanley. http://www.themodernword.com/eco/eco_blackshirt.html
  6. A noble and generally positive concept that sometimes suffers, like all concepts, from occasionally being applied in a wrong or over-zealous way. I'm instinctively for it, if nothing else simply because of the type of tedious pub bore arsehole who's sore because he has to lower his voice a bit to tell jokes about thieving wogs, do hilarious imitations of Indian/Pakistani accents etc. and now can't stop going on about the Thought Police and whatever. Figure that anything which p*sses them off is for the greater good.
  7. Ah OK. Apologies for my scepticism; my job requires wading through endless newspaper reports about MUSLIMS OFFENDED BY PICTURE OF PIG/NOW TIDDLIWINKS FALLS FOUL OF 'ELF AND SAFETY/THEY'VE BANNED CHRISTMAS etc. etc., few if any bear any resemblance to the truth, which is why I instantly doubt any sotry like this. But she was cleared, right? Which surely means that justice was done and the "PC brigade" was told where to go, rather than indulged?
  8. Source? Or is the ol' two degrees of separation "my mate's brother said" kind of thing?
  9. This de la Torre woman previously sued Channel 4 about that Shilpa Shetty thing on Big Brother. I imagine she just tries her luck in the hope of a settlement payout. All this "o noes they've bannt humour111" stuff is just daft. I give it a couple of months before Top Gear goes and does something similar and we'll just go through this whole rigmarole again. It's worth the risk of getting in a bit of bother as long as it keeps one of the BBC's top-rated shows in the public eye. What people seem incapable of realising is that this is gravy for everyone involved You think Clarkson/Hammond/May don't love this sh*t just as much as some opportunist Mexican bird and her lawyers? Clarkson's got half the material for his next stupid PC gone mad stocking filler from this case alone!
  10. But the BBC are politically correct Marxist lunatics, who would never allow a cheap xenophobic pop at their beloved foreigners on one of their programmes...right?
  11. Indeed. As Marxists, ATLOH will of course familiar with the great Lenin's words, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth". Unfortunately only despicable reactionaries like the Nazis and the Daily Mail ever seem to take this on board. Let's face it, reasonable, rational debate is useless in a democracy. The only way to get anywhere with the thicko majority is to spout an endless stream of FEAR, HATE, FEAR, HATE, PEE-SEE-GON'-MAD FEAR, HATE, FEAR, HATE, GOL'-PLATED PUB-LIK SEK-TAH PEN-SHUNS, FEAR, HATE, FEAR, HATE, IMMIGANTS TOOK AWL THE JOBS, FEAR, HATE, FEAR, HATE, FAHKIN MOOZ-LIMS, FEAR HATE FEAR HATE, BLOODY HUGH-MUN RIGHTS ACT, FEAR, HATE...
  12. Ah, well then they're fine by me. Go RVF!
  13. Are these RVF guys anything to do with the People's Front of Judea?
  14. The scourge of paediatricians everywhere out on her ear too? Oh man, this week gets better and better Just got around to seeing the "Did you smash it?" Youtube video. God Keys is embarrassing - basically a grown-up version of the gimpy kid who thought he was the Ultimate Lad because he was the class bully's (Gray's) lickspittle. Typical Cov fan, in other words.
  15. Henry signs for FA as referee?
  16. Gray was suing the News of the World for phone tapping. Close closed really - if you work for the Dirty Digger, it's rather silly to try and f*ck with the empire...
  17. Bad news. 1930s economics coming home to roost, and this is only the start. Thhough it is funny as hell seeing dune going into spazzy overdrive and farting out a randomised mixture of copy 'n' paste Express editorials, utterly irrelevant Churchill/Maggie/Cecil Rhodes quotations and Youtube videos
  18. Fair enough. It's only the internet though; IMO you might as well be able to come back in a different guise and enjoy posting rather than getting relentlessly pursued by the resident winder-uppers (as will be the standard procedure from now on)...
  19. 16. Doing samne evenr wh en drunk on hoiday!! No backpasce ruel worsk every trime
  20. ^^^ quite. Having read the locked thread Mr. Liquid, my advice would be to get a new username and come back incognito. There's no coming back from a train wreck like that...
  21. True, but you can only pish with the c*ck you've got I suppose. Also, regardless of his own flawed personality (actually he's never seemed all that bad to me anyway) he's much less obnoxious than Osborne. Jesus, that man looks like the evil landowning squire in some crap Regency period drama...the lack of a chin, that slobbering duck's arse of a mouth, those piggy little eyes glinting with sadism...I imagine the only people he doesn't give the creeps to are his own kind and spazzy fash types like dune with a masochistic urge to prostrate themselves before such figures.
  22. Johnson's a sound guy, but it should have been obvious that his economic knowledge was sadly lacking and this would be shown up in parliamentary debates, interviews etc. Balls skewered the current self-defeating 30s-style policies very effectively some months ago - I reckon he should have been made shadow Chancellor right from the start, so pleased about that. The personality of anyone but the party leaders is pretty peripheral to anyone bar politicos who know which way they're voting anyway.
  23. Mao Cap

    Man U Songs

    When they go three up, sing "We're gonna win 6-3" As long as there's no truly embarrassing tittery like "Liverpool" it'll be better than last time.
  24. Mao Cap


    One of those little far-left parties are getting my vote the next election. They may be loons, but I at least agree with about half of their views. lib dems (I refuse to dignify them with capital letters) are traitors (always were) and Labour are sh*teing c*nts (always were). Might as well vote for the party most in line with my views rather than the Thatcherite mainstream parties or the fash.
  25. Mao Cap

    Ed Milliband

    Well of course none of us care that people are losing their jobs if they lost them working for a private company. I remember reading about 60 layoffs at a supermarket here or 250 redundancies at a factory there every night at work (at my redundancy-threatened private-sector employer) throughout 2008 and 2009, and thinking "So long as no council Diversity Co-ordinators are amongst this lot then f*ck 'em. I don't empathise with their plight at all, send the scrounging bastards to the workhouse," etc. Anyway, was listening to the radio on the way to a christening yesterday and Ed Miliband was on. Completely uninspiring, colourless fortysomething Islington/Notting Hill gimp like the rest of them. Still that's a given for all party leaders - someone with a bit about them is far too dangerous, eh.
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