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Mao Cap

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Everything posted by Mao Cap

  1. BEST WEEKEND EVAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!!111!!11!one Just a perfect day, topped off by seeing how much it meant to the players. Impossible though it seemed, they looked even more ecstatic than us! As for Plymouth - I'm usually pretty soft-hearted in such situations (rarely if ever join in with "going down" songs and stuff like that) but I've had a few very crappy trips to Home Park, not made any better by coming across some incredibly vile locals who don't care who they start on. Watching them all dive in and start putting the boot in on that one guy (AFTER the stewards had already got hold of him and he couldn't fight back...weren't coming ahead the good twenty seconds before they arrived) didn't make me think any better of the club and its followers. So sorry, but f*ck 'em - will save my good sportsmanship for Walsall on Saturday, should they get relegated.
  2. West Brom - had love-in on their pitch with the skates when we went down Colchester - we've never seem to get along for some reason.
  3. The daft thing is that if they'd just chilled the f*ck out and enjoyed their achievement instead of mouthing off all game then us winning wouldn't have hurt half so much! They came unstuck entirely through their own knobheadery. Funny as hell
  4. Generally CBA with all this, but Ed Balls did a rather good hatchet job on the Chancellor's sh*te today: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/apr/19/george-osborne-uk-economy-growth?INTCMP=SRCH Never let facts stand in the way of the established narrative though. Carry on.
  5. if she did dis in a muslim country dey wud cut off her leg!!! bet she lyks burning poppy's 2
  6. Glue's my favourite (after the original greatness that was Trainspotting of course, but that goes without saying). Porno was good, but that Nikki was an incredibly irritating character. Don't reckon old Irvine does women that well really.
  7. Some loon in a scaffolding van nearly crashed into me when undertaking me at about 30 on the Old Street roundabout about six months back. I didn't even see him until he zoomed past me screaming stuff out of the window, and he must have taken my baffled "WTF?" expression as a challenge because he then parked across two lanes and the traffic light, blocking me in, exits his truck and starts bowling over towards me. Shat it TBH, because he looked like a proper psycho instead of the usual all-gob white-collar type who gives it large from his BMW; still I thought I'd better try and stand tall rather than cowering in the car like a fag, so I get out and meet him in the middle, trying to give the impression I don't want to fight whilst keeping my hands up just in case, lol. Fortunately he just started screaming a load of cockney rubbish at me, yew fackin kahnt this, yew fackin mug that, etc. No good at posturing and yelling myself (voice goes all wobbly and words get all mixed up) so I just kept quiet until he screamed something about being made late for work, when I pointed out, albeit in a voice like Minnie Mouse, that he was only getting later standing here. The idea that maybe he was being a little silly seemed to penetrate his little pin brain, and he turned and headed back to the van still shouting stuff. Not very nice, think only the fact he was parked across two lanes of a main road saved me from getting a pretty nasty doing as he was doubtless out of my league in the violence stakes.
  8. Done this for a couple of years. Would recommend it to anyone willing to leave for work 5-10 minutes earlier, it saves you a lot of money.
  9. What I liked was that the level of noise was highest before the first goal, during that short period at the start of the second half where Wednesday looked as if they might get into the game. Great to see us encouraging the players when they most needed a boost, rather than just when they already had their tails up.
  10. But erm, that lefty article is giving a thumbs-up to Cameron for helping the rebels? When it all started a few weeks ago, didn't you say you "liked" Gaddafi and it would be wrong to help the rebels as they were all al-Qaeda?
  11. This is faeces gone mad.
  12. Pitch invasion if we win, p'raps?
  13. Hoping that Brentford is even better. Been looking forward to that game all season!
  14. The best for a good few years, I think. Some decent songs and all. Bourmemouth had a bit of a go at the start TBF, but didn't hear them much after the equaliser.
  15. Country's going to the dogs, I tell you. Can't even burn a poppy these days without the politically correct brigade jumping down your throat, saying what you can and can't say. All these namby-pamby Daily Star-reading, van-driving types need to man up a bit and be able to take a joke like us manly, straight-talking, red-blooded lefties. Grr.
  16. F*ck 'em all - Millwall/Chelsea Let them come - Millwall And if you know your history - Everton/Celtic/Hibs/Spurs Keep right on - Brum Delilah - Stoke
  17. Julie Burchill's just doing the job she's done for the last couple of decades, i.e winding people up Her columns are just a long stream of absurdly sweeping generalisations and straw men. Even when she's right you can't help feeling like she's wrong! I can't help liking her, though - somehow you get the impression that she's just having a laugh and would be a good sort in real life, whereas fruitloops like Melanie Philips et. al. seem scarily earnest about the sh*t they spout.
  18. Sweet. No love for Celtic (Hibees all the way) but f*ck the huns.
  19. After a bit more than four years I've had enough of doing nights and working every second weekend (not at all fun getting out of work on a Saturday morning, getting 3-4 hours sleep max because of going to Saints, then going back in to work). Also the commute's costing me more and more money and the job itself has little prospect of advancement or giving me anything to put on my CV that isn't already there. So I'm trying to get into the habit of applying for at least five jobs a day on various job sites - Reed, Monster etc. Course, it's the worst time in living memory to get pished off with your job also, for all its faults my job's pretty secure, got to be careful I don't jump into something more precarious and possibly get laid off a year down the line.
  20. Two and a Half Men is a guilty pleasure for me. Utter garbage, but I bloody love it. Shame they're not making any more. As for Sheen, well of course he's a fruitloop. He's a Hollywood playboy, being a fruitloop is in the job description.
  21. rage, rage against the dying of the light
  22. Lol. I'm waiting for some similar consenus politics on the abolition of legal aid or housing benefit. Won't hold my breath, but.
  23. Just a joke, big man. Parody of the Mail/Express style and themes, you know? Seeing as you like those newspapers and that.
  24. His favourite newspaper would put it this way: Dune is trapped in a bubble of SaintsWeb dependency by our over-generous mods and their refusal to consider reforming their banning system. A typical product of Broken Britain, he is happy to sit at home all day enjoying his mod-subsidised access to the forum, rather than go out and engage in genuine social interaction. He is no better than Socialist welfare scroungers, the thousands of feckless Somalians living in £100m Kensington mansions or overpaid public-sector mandarins with their gold-plated final-salary pension. In this age of internet-traffic austerity, the SaintsWeb state cannot and should not support the criminal lifestyle choices of Dune and rest of the internet underclass any more. It is up to him and his ilk to turn off his computer and join the Big Society.
  25. I imagine that if I was a kid in care, then the cruel life of poverty and petty crime awaiting 99% of children like me wouldn't bother me at all. Being adopted by a couple of unimaginably wealthy gayboys - now that's what would really scare me.
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